Perverting ANZAC Day for Jesus

I attended my first (and last) Dawn Service this morning.

I respect our diggers and I am not an ANZAC Day hater.

But ANZAC Day does not belong to the religious right and they should not be allowed to hijack it for their own purposes.

Here is my rant on Doug Pollard’s “The Stirrer”.


Chrys Stevenson


4 thoughts on “Perverting ANZAC Day for Jesus

  1. Brian Wilder

    Brilliant Chrys – spot on.

    Hope all is well with you.


    Brian Wilder

    Sydney (Friend of Dave Leaf)

  2. Heather Thomas

    Thanks Chrys.The boys club mentality is alive and well.The Christian Right is supposedly strongly opposed to gambling.Give us this stage to define the country our way and we will not mention the RSL revenue stream.No handshakes required for this long standing tradition of the church keeping its mouth shut on things that matter.

  3. Deborah

    The Dawn Service here was overtly Christian too, but without the huge side serve of racism, thank goodness. What people are starting to notice now is that we’re not very good about remembering the deaths of New Zealanders in wars on New Zealand soil, notably the land wars of the 1860s, also starting to be known here as the New Zealand wars.

    A great post, Chrys. Thanks for linking it through this blog, where it popped up on my RSS feed.

  4. plsuseyourbrain

    Many years ago I attended an ANZAC Day service in Brisbane’s northern suburbs where the assigned religious zealot made a direct comparison between the incarceration of POWs and the incarceration of the Bali 9. Needless to say the barely concealed rage of most in attendance was held at bay only by our deeply respectful observance of the commemoration. Hard to imagine the pious pillock escaping unscathed under other circumstances.


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