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The Bear Necessities


I’m Chrys Stevenson, a freelance writer and researcher from Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

These days, I tend to do more researching than writing, but when I really get a bee in my bonnet, I still like to have a good vent here at the Cross-Eyed Bear.

My current research focuses on women’s issues (including #metoo and domestic violence), Australian social and cultural history, and voluntary assisted dying. My clients include some of the country’s leading journalists, writers, academics and media personalities. It’s a job I literally fell into by accident but one I love.

My own writing tends to focus on religion and politics; specifically the intrusion of Christian fundamentalism into Australian politics and our public institutions. I was the ‘scribe’ for the team (led by Ron Williams) that twice took the Federal Government to the High Court over the National School Chaplaincy Programme. I wrote the first chapter of The Australian Book of Atheism (Warren Bonnet, editor), and I’ve written for ABC’s Religion and Ethics, New Matilda, Online Opinion, the King’s Tribune, The Big Smoke and numerous other online journals. I’m probably best known for my article about the Australian Christian Lobby – Is the Australian Christian Lobby Dominionist? Short answer – yes.

I also write on gender politics. My blog post, Defending Deveny (a transcript analysis of ABC’s Q&A) and my King’s Tribune article “The Blokeyness Index” (an analysis of gender representation in the Australian media) have both been cited extensively in various books and articles.

I’m passionate about honesty, fairness and personal responsibility. I’m left leaning, but I’m not a member of any political party and I’ll happily criticise all of them. The two maxims I live by are: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men [and women] do nothing” and “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.”

I hope you’ll enjoy “Gladly, the Cross-Eyed Bear”. If you’re wondering about the name of this blog, it’s a mondegreen taken from the hymn, Gladly the Cross I’d Bear.




If you like my writing, you can see more of it scattered across the internet. My LinkedIn profile

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Many thanks to Glenn Watson for producing the Gladly, the Cross-Eyed Bear image and the ‘new look’ Gladly blog. Thanks also to Wikipediatrician extraordinaire,  Susan Gerbic (Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia) for the photo.

Christian Dominionism: Follow the Money

This is the text of the speech I gave last weekend at the Secularism Australia Conference. Many thanks to the organisers for asking me to speak on this important subject.

I believe urgent action needs to be taken to head off the Americanisation of Australian politics at the pass. I have spent 12 years following Christian dominionism and Christian nationalism, and the last 3 months undertaking intensive research into the libertarian networks behind these movements.

Issues like prayers in parliament and chaplains in schools and the military are important. I don’t want to take away from the people putting their efforts into these issues. But the matches to light these ‘fires’ are being supplied by foreign networks. If those networks are not challenged we’ll be playing “whack-a-mole” with church/state separation until the second coming of Christ.

I am convinced the only thing that will succeed is for all of those affected by the cancerous political ideology I describe below: atheists, secularists, rationalists, humanists together with feminists, educators, unions, voluntary assisted dying lobbyists, advocates for women’s reproductive choice, LGBTIQ+ groups, environmentalists, climate change activist, medical bodies, and more, to band together and pool our financial and intellectual resources.

As I say below, progressive, wealthy benefactors do exist and we have the potential to be able to fight back if we can get some funding and mount a professional campaign.

This is not my area of expertise. I’ve tried something similar before and failed. I will continue to research and write about this and scream into the abyss and hope someone with vision and energy will hear and take up the challenge. What is needed is a highly professional, strategic, holistic counter-attack. If we don’t fight back, and quickly, Australian democracy is at stake.

Chrys Stevenson

Christian Dominionism: Follow the Money

For all its faults, Australia is a free and democratic country with, generally, sensible attitudes towards religion and one of the best electoral systems in the world. It’s easy to be complacent and imagine this could never change. 

I’ve been researching the rise of Christian dominionism – a very close cousin of Christian nationalism – for the last 12 years. It’s an ideology that teaches that Jesus will not return to earth until his followers have established a global theocracy which will see Old Testament Biblical Law enforced across every nation. 

The dominionists’ plan for achieving Total World Domination is called the Seven Mountains Mandate

Followers of this ideology are encouraged, trained and mentored, to infiltrate and conquer the Seven Mountains of Influence. 

These “mountains” represent: 

  • Government (including law, the military, and our electoral system) 
  • Business (including unions)
  • Education
  • Media and the Arts 
  • Entertainment
  • Religion, and 
  • the Family. 

The Seven Mountains Mandate is a political strategy devised and promoted by a large, but nebulous group, called the New Apostolic Reformation. The NAR’s leaders, revered as “prophets” and “apostles”, aspire, eventually, to sit atop each one of these mountains on every nation on earth – at which point Jesus will return to rapture them to eternal glory in Heaven. 

You may never have heard of the New Apostolic Reformation and that’s just how they like it. But Apostolic networks are among the fastest growing movements in the modern Christian world.

You may be surprised to hear that, according to ChurchWatch Central – an Australian group of concerned pastors, elders and church-goers – the New Apostolic Reformation is associated with over 1000 churches here in Australia. 

The aim of the NAR’s Seven Mountains strategy is for evangelical Christians to infiltrate governments and the public institutions which surround them; quietly building power and influence within those institutions, with the objective of gaining complete control.  

If you look at this as a Christian movement, there is so much about dominionism that just doesn’t make sense. 

Tim Costello from Australia’s Centre for Public Christianity shares my sense of puzzlement about why fundamentalist Christians would embrace a political agenda so totally antithetical to the teachings of Jesus. He says:

“How do you preach Jesus’ love of enemies and defend gun ownership or separate children from parents and place them in cages at the Texan border? 

And how do you reduce the Gospel to securing Supreme Court appointments simply so they will overturn Roe v Wade? 

Why would you suppress telling the truth in schools about US racial history by dismissing it as “woke”? 

According to Reverend Costello:

“You do all that by engaging in a political Christianity that wants to rule.”

Professor Samuel Perry, a leading expert on Christian nationalism, suggests we should look on it as a kind of “impostor Christianity.”  

Russell Moore, formerly a top official with the Southern Baptist Convention and now the editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, says this is Christianity, radicalized to the point that some American pastors cannot preach the Sermon on the Mount, without being heckled for endorsing “woke” liberal talking points.

In order to understand why people who call themselves Christians also oppose government welfare, public schools, gun control and action on climate change, I decided to follow the money.  

What I discovered was an unholy alliance between evangelical Christians affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation’s Seven Mountains strategy, and a league of ultra-wealthy libertarians who operate a complex, international network of right-wing think-tanks – many of which fall under the umbrella of a group known as the Atlas Network

The ideology expressed in this coalition is called paleolibertarianism – nothing to do with Paleo-Pete. 

Here’s how it works: the Christians took on the libertarians’ economic agenda. In return, the ultra-wealthy libertarians encouraged the politicians who benefit from their donations to endorse the dominionists’ religious agenda. Why? Because the Christians provide the ultra-wealthy with a voting bloc to get their agents into power and remove the taxes and regulations which impact negatively on the unfettered accumulation of wealth.  

Surprisingly, the aims of Christian dominionists and nationalists and the ultra-wealthy libertarians dovetail neatly. The libertarians see democracy as an inconvenient obstacle to free market capitalism. The Christians see democracy as an impediment to instituting Biblical Law. 

In America, the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty and the Freedom from Religion Foundation have banded together to fight Christian nationalism. Their report on the involvement of Christian nationalists in the January 6 insurrection describes how this mutual back-scratching works:

“The [Christian nationalist] movement threw its support behind Mr. Trump at a critical moment, delivering to him the Republican Party’s most reliable slice of electoral votes. He in turn gave the movement everything he had promised them: power and political access, access to public money, policies favorable to their agenda, and above all the appointment of hard-right judges.” 

Speaking to a gathering of religious right activists in 2021, Senator Lindsey Graham boasted:

“Bottom line is President Trump delivered, don’t you think?” 

Public support for Trump and the paleolibertarian agenda has been boosted by scare campaigns warning that voting for progressive candidates will lead the United States towards socialism or communism. But, in a delicious touch of irony, I discovered the Seven Mountains strategy was not, as its proponents claim, delivered by revelation direct from God; they pretty much plagiarized it from the work of Marxist philosopher, Antonio Gramsci. 

Gramsci and his followers devised a strategy to overturn capitalism by gaining control of the eight Ideological State Apparatuses – an almost identical list to the Seven Mountains. 

You have to admit, it takes a certain kind of hubris for rabid anti-communists to pinch an actual communist plot and rebrand it as “the Word of God.”

The Seven Mountains strategy is working. If a Republican wins the US election in 2024, the white-anting of American democracy will continue in earnest. 

Trump has already flagged his intention to dismiss up to 50,000 secular civil servants and replace them with Trumpist, paleolibertarian, loyalists. That’s the Seven Mountains strategy on steroids! 

This can all seem very US-centric but I am convinced that what is happening in America – and in South America, Europe, and now in New Zealand – will play out next in Australia. 

Australian, Clare Heath-McIvor, was raised in a dominionist church in Victoriawhere her father is the pastor. Brian Heath’s City Builders church was affiliated with ISAAC – the International Strategic Alliance of Apostolic Churches – a kind of south-east Asian branch of the New Apostolic Reformation. As part of that group, Clare remembers being encouraged to chant:

“What time is it? – It’s time to take over.”

In an article for the Australian Rationalist Society last year, Clare warned that Christian nationalism is a bonafide threat to democracy. And she insisted, “Australians need to step on this now.”  

I don’t want to turn this into a McCarthyist kind of witch-hunt. The extent to which these ideologies are embraced by evangelical Christians and libertarians exists on a spectrum. That said, the destruction of democracy is enthusiastically embraced by paleolibertarian leaders and they have a significant following, even here in Australia.

Take this, from Pastor Ian Shelton’s Toowoomba City Church. Back in 2011 when I first embarked on this research, the church’s website described Shelton’s goal to turn Toowoomba into:

“… a transformed city where all the spheres – sport, arts, leisure, welfare, health, media & information, law, police, judiciary, politics & government, business & commerce, & education … come under the lordship of Christ.”

And, while a little church in Toowoomba can seem like small potatoes, remember there are at least 1000 churches around Australia preaching the same doctrine.

Tell me, how would politicians respond if it were 1000 mosques, backed by a global international network, urging their followers to take control of this country’s democratic institutions by stealth?

We can’t be complacent. We have already seen a Pentecostal prime minister secretly appointing himself to no less than five Federal government ministries. We have seen Christian nationalists stacking Liberal party branches in Western AustraliaSouth Australia and Victoria.

Last year, a roadmap came to light, outlining how the religious right could infiltrate the Liberal Party with godly candidates. 

We have heard how the Gold Coast Mayor appointed a “spiritual advisor” with her own office and six-figure salary. And she’s insisted that the mayor ecstatically agreed to help her implement the Seven Mountains strategy on the glitter strip. 

In northern NSW, a National Party candidate declared: 

“I want to bring God’s kingdom to the political arena. And I want God’s kingdom to penetrate the political mountain.”

As secularists our eyes have been fixed firmly on the Christian component of this kooky confederation of Christianity and cash. And if we just look at them it’s easy to tell ourselves they couldn’t organize a school picnic, let alone a bloodless coup. 

We have to realise that the Christians are the circus: the brains, the money, the power and the real strategy is in the far-right libertarian think-tanks which support them. 

Recently,  Dr Jeremy Walker of Sydney’s University of Technology, alerted us to the activities of the Atlas Network here in Australia. Substantially funded by billionaire, Charles Koch, and a number of multi-nationals with interests in fossil fuels and tobacco, Atlas is the network that enlisted the Christian dominionists and nationalists of the New Apostolic Reformation to build the Tea Party movement and infiltrate the Republican Party.

In Australia, the Atlas Network claims eight think-tanks as “partners” including the Centre for Independent Studies, the Institute of Public Affairs, the Australian Institute for Progress and LibertyWorks – the organisation which brought the Conservative Political Action Conference to Australia. 

According to Jeremy, Atlas itself is not a think tank. Rather, it is the “mother-of-all-think-tanks.” It’s an umbrella organisation which provides seed-funding and strategic guidance to 515 libertarian think-tanks across nearly 100 countries – and co-ordinates their activities. This is important. 

They represent themselves as independent voices, but they are involved in strategic campaigns co-ordinated by a foreign interest group.

Many of those pulling the strings in the Atlas Network are also members of another far-right group, the Mont Pelerin Society, whose members have included our own John Howard, mining lobbyist, Hugh Morgan, co-founders of the Centre for Independent Studies, Greg Lindsay and Maurice Newman, and John Roskam – until recently the executive director of the Institute of Public Affairs.

There is also a close association between the Atlas Network and Jordan Peterson’s newly formed Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, which recently held a conference in London. One of the two shareholders in the ARC,  the Legatum Institute, is also an Atlas Network partner.

There are six Australians on the ARC’s advisory board which also includes includes two pastors, a professor of religion and Mike Johnson, the new Republican speaker, who we know has strong affiliations with Christian dominionism.  Of the 1500 people who attended their London conference, a whopping 10 per cent were Australians – many of them leading Liberal politicians. Family First Party national director, Lyle Shelton was also there.

The Atlas Network has form: it is credited with influencing the election of autocraticand ultra-conservative leaders in Brazil, Argentinathe Netherlands and, recently, New Zealand. Will Australia be next?

This may seem disconnected from matters of church and state, but, as oneAmerican professor of religion says, we need to recognize that Christian dominionism is just “part of the tool kit of political radicalism.”

When Australia moved to recognize Indigenous Australians in our constitution and give them a Voice to Parliament, the Atlas Network set to work here, coordinating the efforts of its Australian think-tanks and setting up Advance Australia to spear-head the “No” Campaign. 

They didn’t have to reinvent the wheel. The Atlas Network had already been successful in effectively sinking a United Nations campaign to ensure greater involvement by Indigenous communities in oil and gas production in Canada.

Both Jacinta Price and Warren Mundine are associates of the Atlas Network-affiliated Centre for Independent Studies. Both also have strong ties to religion. 

Adding to the “toolkit”, during the Voice campaign, it was announced that, under the auspices of Advance Australia, another group, Christians for Equality, had been formed, with our old friend, Lyle Shelton, appointed to head it.  

A triumphant “test-run” for the Atlas Network in Australia, its scare campaign managed to bring support for the Voice down 20 points, resulting in the catastrophic defeat of the referendum. 

What might Atlas achieve at our next Federal election? And to whom will conservative politicians be in debt?

If paleolibertarianism gains a firm foothold here in Australia, their targets will include: voluntary assisted dying, women’s reproductive choice, government welfare, public schools, Medicare, unions, marriage equality, gay rights, anti-discrimination laws, immigration and refugees, the rights of people from non-Christian religions, and more. Jacinta Price has already flagged that transgender people are next on her hit-list.

So many groups are threatened by this movement. Yet, we all tend to fight independently on different fronts. 

This goes beyond a risk to the separation of church and state; Australian democracy is at stake. We need to look at what’s happening in America and start taking dominionism, Christian nationalism and these libertarian think-tanks deadly seriously. 

I think we need to pull together a peak group of organisations, including unions and mainstream churches, to counter this movement. 

Ultra-wealthy benefactors with progressive ideas do exist – and while we don’t want this to become a “Clash of the Titans,” we need substantial funding to devise and implement a strategy to counter this assault on our democracy. 

There’s no point tinkering at the edges. We need professional political strategists and communications experts on board to help craft a “cunning plan.”

And finally, we have to understand that the crazy circus that surrounds this movement is a feature, not a bug. It’s there to distract us, to make us underestimate them, and to keep us fixated on the “useful idiots” in the frontline, while the operatives with the money, power, brains and the international networks pull all the strings. 

Recommended further reading:

Elle Hardy, Beyond Belief: How Pentecostal Christianity is Taking Over the World, Hurst & Company London, 2021 (Thank you to Elle and the publishers for providing me with a complimentary copy of the book.)

Katherine Stewart, The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous World of Religious Nationalism, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020

Melinda Cooper, Family Values: Between Neoliberalism and the New Social Conservatism, Zone Books, 2019 (I haven’t read this yet, but it’s been recommended by Dr Jeremy Walker)

Jeremy Walker, Silencing the Voice: the fossil-fuelled Atlas Network’s Campaign against Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australia, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies, 2023. (This is open source. You can access a PDF or HTML full text version by clicking the links to the left of the abstract.)

Jeremy Walker, Atlas Network’s fossil-fuelled campaign against the Voice, Independent Australia, 10 October 2023

What if the 7 Mountains strategy succeeded?

“The Dark Ages have a certain appeal to some. It was a time when good and evil was white and black. Church over-ruled state. And the word of priests was as law.

– Jamie Seidel, “The ‘Seven Mountains’ Conspiracy“, The Advertiser, Adelaide, 8 January 2019

“The trouble with theocracies is that they generally lead to crusades. And the trouble with crusades is that if you’re not of the right sect or denomination, you’ll end up crucified.” 

– Mark Harvey, God Help Us All: Fending Off An American Theocracy, 3quarksdaily, 29 August 2022

In my previous post in this series about Christofascism, I wrote about Christofascism in Australia – how the agenda and ‘values’ of Christian nationalists in this country has these “good Christians” walking in lock-step with Nazis and fascists.

In this post I want to really consider what’s at stake; to imagine what society might look like if the 7 Mountains strategy was successful. The leaders of the 7 Mountains Mandate often talk about gaining control, but there isn’t a lot of detail about what this utopian global Christian society would look like.

Dominionists want to see the 7 spheres of government, education, media, arts and entertainment, religion, family and business headed by ‘prophets’ and governed according to fundamentalist Biblical principles. I wondered, what will society look like if these crazy clerics actually manage to pull off this cockamamie Christian coup.

And make no mistake. This is what they’re aiming for.

What if Sean got his wish? What would that look like?

The worrisome thing is we don’t have to guess. We already know what Christian nations look like: both history and contemporary news provide us with graphic examples.

Recently, Richard Fidler interviewed Fintan O’Toole about the evolution of modern Ireland. O’Toole is an author and journalist who writes for various publications, including the Irish Times.

Born in Ireland in 1958 (a very good year!), O’Toole says that by the time he was born, Ireland was practically a failed state. Even though the Irish faced racism and discrimination abroad – especially in the UK – young people were “getting the hell out of there.”

In 1958, Ireland was technically ‘free’, but, in practice, controlled by the Catholic Church. Today, the proponents of the 7 Mountains movement aim to create a beacon of Biblical morality that will shine all the way to heaven to tell Jesus the world is prepared for his Second Coming. Similarly, the Catholic Church aimed to make Ireland a “moral beacon” to the world.

Describing the country he was born into as “Catholic nationalist Ireland”, O’Toole says:

“… because it was a fusion of national identity and religious identity, it screws up both of them, actually. It screws up your nationality because it makes it sectarian, but it also screws up your religious life because it makes it political. It just becomes another form of power.”

Catholicism was not recognised as the state religion, but it was elevated in the Irish constitution as having a “special position.” As a result:

“the church was allowed to control the education system and most of the health care system and every single law that had to do with reproduction, or women’s rights, or sexuality, simply reflected Catholic teaching.”

O’Toole says that, when he was born, Ireland was the least educated country in Europe. The reason is that the Catholic Church had a monopoly on education, and a highly educated working class is no good for religion. In Ireland, high schools were owned and dominated by the Catholic Church and your family had to pay if you wanted a secondary education.

Industrial schools, also under the control of the church, were used to incarcerated young children – sometimes for petty crime, or often just for living in poverty. Here, children were subjected to every kind of sexual and physical abuse.

O’Toole describes Catholic nationalist Ireland as a country of “obsessional puritanism” and recalls the “stultifying sense that you were being watched all the time.”

“It’s hard now to remember just how much Catholic teaching was enforced as law,” he says; noting, “It was always women who had to pay the price.”

O’Toole describes institutions called the Magdalene laundries.

“Quite literally, if you were a young girl, you could be more or less kidnapped if you were judged to be in moral danger, or posing moral danger to others. You could be kidnapped, taken into one of these institutions, incarcerated there, made to do slave labour – these were commercial laundries run by nuns – and so these young girls, young women, very often they were there for a few years; in some cases they never got out.”

Contraception and condoms were banned, so unwed pregnant women were plentiful. These poor women were routinely institutionalised and their babies sold. Girls who complained about sexual abuse at home were blamed for being immoral, and also sent to these religious workhouses.

Known pedophiles were allowed to work in Catholic children’s hospitals. What would happen if a child complained? The parents might go to the police, but the police would go to the Archbishop who would hide it under the carpet to protect the church’s reputation. It was a closed system.

Divorce was banned in the Irish constitution. Abused women had no means of escape. Men in unhappy marriages would simply go abroad, leaving their wives stigmatised, destitute and unable to remarry.

Anyone who did not marry in the church was considered to be living in sin, and their children deemed illegitimate, with all the social stigma that entailed. A woman working in a Catholic institution who married outside the church could lose her job.

Such was the power of the Archbishop of Dublin, that the slightest indication he was ‘displeased’ could have advertising pulled, cultural events cancelled or songs removed from radio playlists.

“He had networks of spies everywhere,” says O’Toole. “He knew everything that was going on.”

Poverty was ubiquitous, but Irish families who lived in slums and, even in the 1960s, often lived in houses without private bathroom facilities or running water, were told they were sinful to carp about their lack of material possessions; poverty was to be prized as a rejection of materialism and a sign of spiritual purity.

Yet, O’Toole describes seeing the Archbishop emerging for the Sunday service from a huge black limousine, and pausing on the sidewalk as his chauffeur got down on his hands and knees to polish the prelate’s shoes.

And then, of course, there is the sectarian violence. A Christian theocracy is never designed to accommodate all Christians – just the denomination of Christianity that happens to be in power. Come the revolution, it won’t just be Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and atheists who are branded as heretics to be brought under heel, raped, tortured, exiled, imprisoned, shot, gassed or blown up. Non-conforming Christians will be similarly targeted.

“But that’s Catholics!” I hear the Pentecostal and New Apostolic evangelists scoff. “They’re not real Christians.”

And some of you are thinking, “Well, yeah, but that all happened fifty or more years ago. Attitudes are different today. It couldn’t happen now.”

You think? Let’s take a look at America, today, where some of the most religious states are moving, at speed, towards Christofascism.

Charis Bible College in Colorado is headed by 7 Mountains advocate, Andrew Womack. Across America, there are many similar Christian colleges controlled by the evangelists who hope, soon, to control the world. In some, if not all, of these august institutions:

  • students are subjected to random drug tests
  • premarital and homosexual sex is banned along with public displays of affection
  • strict dress codes are imposed – girls may be banned from wearing trousers, and there are rules relating to the length and style of your hair, facial hair, piercings and tattoos
  • viewing television shows or movies which feature nudity is banned
  • gender segregation on campus is common
  • females cannot go out after dark without a chaperone
  • church attendance is compulsory.

In some colleges the internet is banned and students must make their electronic devices available for scrutiny on request.

Now, to those of us who attended private schools in Australia, this list of restrictions may sound quite familiar. But imagine if they were imposed on the general population.

In these fundamentalist Bible colleges, advocates of the 7 Mountains mandate are merely test-driving the rules they wish to impose on all of us; and they’re training the next generation how to impose those rules as they help their graduates move into positions of power in government, law, education, etc.

An example of how these networks are built is Project Blitz which writes model legislation bills for state governments; making it easier for them to enact laws that accord with a Biblical world view – for instance, a bill which would allow adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTQI+ people. In 2019, Project Blitz, which has strong connections to the 7 Mountains leaders, claimed a network of 950 legislators in 38 states. They’re not just talking about imposing Biblical law – they’re doing it.

A religiously stacked Supreme Court has already overturned Roe v Wade. As a result, abortion has been made illegal in the most religious of America’s states. American women have been advised not to share details about their periods or to use period trackers for fear this information may be used to prosecute them if they seek abortions in the more progressive states.

Earlier this month, a federal judge in Texas suspended the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of the abortion drug mifepristone. While this decision was overruled, an appeal will ultimately take the matter to the Supreme Court which may well make it legal for judges (rather than the FDA) to decide what drugs Americans can have access to.

Just a few days ago, nine Republican lawmakers in Michigan voted against repealing a rarely enforced law which bans unmarried couples from living together. Enacted in 1931 the statute imposes a $1000 fine or a year in prison for “any man or woman, not being married to each other, who lewdly and lasciviously associates and cohabits together.” Fortunately, Democrats hold a majority in Michigan. But, what if they didn’t?

Also this month, in Tallahassee, a school principal was forced to resign after children, enrolled in a class about Renaissance Art, were shown photos of Michelangelo’s art in the Sistine Chapel and his sculpture of David. One parent called Michelangelo’s masterpiece “pornographic.”

In five American states it is now required by law for every public school to display the phrase “In God We Trust”. In those states, “In God We Trust” is also allowed to be displayed in court rooms and other public buildings.

An evangelical group, Moms for Liberty, is agitating to encourage parents to call for the censorship of art, literature and text books in schools.

In Martin County, Florida, this year, over 80 works by authors such as Toni Morrison, James Patterson and Jodi Picoult were removed from elementary school libraries at the insistence of a single evangelical parent. Elsewhere in Florida, schools have banned Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird and The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. 

If these kinds of people gain political power, who can believe that adult libraries and bookshops would not face similar censorship? And this orgy of censorship wouldn’t stop at books – it would extend to censorship of magazines, internet sites, plays, movies and exhibits in galleries and museums and public (and perhaps even private) places.

And what might happen to the authors and artists who create work which is deemed immoral? Read on …

Something I noticed in my work on voluntary assisted dying is that “pro-life” politicians in the United States are also vociferously opposed to gun laws and passionately in favour of capital punishment. They’re pro-life, as long as the ‘life’ is still in the womb. After that – meh, not so much.

With the US currently experiencing a shortage of lethal injection drugs, at least three states – Mississippi, Oklahoma and Utah – have authorised firing squads as an acceptable method of execution.

Yes. You read that right. Death row prisoners can now be executed by firing squad in the USA.

It is no coincidence that Mississisippi ties with Alabama as America’s most religious state. Oklahoma is in the top-ten, and Utah is the eleventh most religious of the 50 states.

In real time we are watching the United States of America become a Christofascist state. We can look back at the history of Ireland to see what happens when countries are ruled “in the name of God.” And, we can, and must, look at the history of Germany under Hitler to see how quickly a multicultural, democratic, progressive and tolerant society can be brought under a fascist dictatorship.

When I first began researching dominionism, I thought the 7 Mountains agenda could never succeed, but that they could do a lot of harm trying. Now, as America teeters on the knife-edge between democracy and Christofascism, I’m convinced our hold on a free, progressive, democratic society is not something we should ever take for granted.

Chrys Stevenson

Fintan O’Toole, We Don’t Know Ourselves: A Personal History of Ireland Since 1958, Head of Zeus GB, 21 January 2021

The Dominionists – Christofascism in Australia

I’ve been writing about the threat of Christian dominionism in Australia for over a decade now. Lately, there is quite a deal of ‘movement at the station’ and I think it’s time to renew my efforts. This is the first of what I hope will be a series of articles on the threat of Christofascism in Australia. This is long, so grab a cuppa and put your feet up.

Dominion theology was popularised in the early 2010s when American evangelists, Bill Bright and Loren Cunningham claimed to have been simultaneously blessed with a divine revelation; that Jesus would not return until Christians had conquered and gained control of 7 “mountains” of global culture: government, education, media, arts and entertainment, religion, family and business. This became known as the 7 Mountains Mandate or Kingdom Now theology and it caught on like wildfire through Pentecostal, Apostolic, 3C and other conservative, protestant churches. 

Readers of my vintage will recall 70s pop star, Colleen Hewett, singing the repetitious but catchy lyrics, “Pre-e-e-pare ye, the way of the Lord.” This is essentially the aim of the 7 Mountains movement: the prophecies of Revelations will not come to pass until Christians (and by that, we mean white, right-wing, protestant, predominantly male Christians) control all aspects of life on earth.

Dominionism pre-dates the 7 Mountains Movement and has long been cause for concern – even within Christianity itself. In 1981, Tom F Driver, the Paul Tillich Professor Emeritus at Union Theological Seminary, New York City, said:

“[We] fear christofascism, which we see as the political direction of all attempts to place Christ at the centre of social life and history … [m]uch of the churches’ teaching about Christ has turned into something that is dictatorial in its heart and is preparing society for an American fascism.” 

Christofascism goes beyond the dominionist agenda to take control of the government and social institutions in God’s name – generally by stealthy, non-violent, infiltration. Christofascism sees the dominionist agenda co-opted by bad-faith actors to advance an authoritarian or totalitarian political strategy – with the real end goals being money and power. 

As we’ve seen recently with the exposés on Hillsong Church – the religious agenda of ‘good, Christian, family values’ which is said to be the raison d’être behind the 7 Mountains movement only applies to the poor saps at the bottom of the Pentecostal pyramid scheme. Those at the top indulge in every kind of lascivious, unconscionable, and unlawful behaviour, totally exempt from the constraints they wish to place upon the rest of us. Why? Because –

It. Was. Never. About. Religion. It was always about money and power.

Looking at America, it is often said that Christian evangelists have taken over the GOP. What is more likely is that bad-faith actors took over the GOP and the GOP took over Christian dominionism. Ultimately, the ‘Christian soldiers’ recruited to the cause will become more than just spiritual warriors. They will be the cannon fodder for an actual holy war; a Christian militia, ready to stage an armed and bloody revolution with God at their side. Does this sound outlandish? Ladies and gentlemen, may I direct your attention to Washington DC, January 6, 2021.

Back in the 2010s I was willing to concede that Christian dominionism was somewhat less rabid than reconstructionism or – God forbid! – fascism. But, today, I’m more than happy to suggest that if our merry 7 Mountains mountaineers are not yet fascists, they’re certainly fraternising with them, sharing common cause, and pursuing a goal which can only be achieved through totalitarianism. 

In 2011 I posed the question “Is the Australian Christian Lobby Dominionist?” in an article for ABC’s Religion and Ethics website. Such was the power of the ACL at that time, editor, Scott Stephens decided he should tell them in advance about my claims. Subsequently, the ACL’s lawyers spent a day on the phone trying to stop the article being published. When it was published, Brigadier Jim Wallace, then Managing Director of the ACL, told editor, Scott Stephens, he’d never even heard of dominionism, let alone embracing it. “I had to ask around the office to ask if anyone knew what it was,” said Jim.

Wallace’s denial rang rather hollow because my article linked to the world’s major dominionist website, Reclaim 7 Mountains, which proudly boasted that the Australian Christian Lobby was one of the organisations involved in the movement. The listing was promptly “disappeared”. But, don’t worry, Jim – I kept a copy:

Baptist minister, Rod Benson from the Sydney Anglicans’ Moore College, took me to task over my article, accusing me of “opportunistic scaremongering”. The Australian Christian Lobby had no wish to see Australia become a theocracy, said Benson. Look! They even say that on their website

Yeah. That’s about as convincing as someone prefacing their racist rant with, “I’m not racist, but ….”

Benson accuses me of assigning guilt by association. Just because you address the Fabian Society doesn’t make you a Fabian, says Benson.Twelve years on, I wonder what, Benson might have to say about the former Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, Lyle Shelton, socialising with neo-Nazis.

Let me pause here to indulge in a little parable. One day, many years ago, I sat down to drink a coffee on the terrace of a suburban coffee shop. Sitting unattended at the table opposite mine, was a young boy, perhaps, 5 years old. He had taken a teaspoon, heaped it high with sugar from the sugar pourer on the table, and, at the moment I spied him, he had the spoon poised a centimetre from his open mouth.

“You’re not going to eat that sugar, are you?” I said, giving him a stern look.

The boy’s big blue eyes widened with feigned innocence as he slowly and deliberately shook his head from side to side –  as if it were inconceivable that I should even think such a thing! Of course, the close proximity of the spoonful of sugar to his lips was simply a matter of coincidence and no conclusions could or should be drawn from that association. I often wonder if that kid grew up to be a Pentecostal pastor.

In response to my article, Brigadier Wallace, then Managing Director of the ACL, wrote:

“I have always totally rejected the American model of church engagement with politics and have reaffirmed that everywhere I have promoted ACL and political activism.”

This is the same Jim Wallace who chairs the board that recently sacked the ACL’s incumbent Managing Director, Martyn Iles, for being too evangelical and not political enough

“[T]he Board has reviewed ACL’s strategic direction and decided I am not the right person to lead the revised strategy, which focuses more primarily on political tactics, less on the gospel,” Iles explains in his online resignation letter.

It’s a different story to the one I was fed back in 2011. 

In a recent interview on the podcast Yeah Nah Pasaran, American-based, Australian researcher, Kate Burns, talked about the rise of Christofascism, both in America and Australia, as well as the close connections between activists in the two countries.

“What was once kept behind the veil is now becoming more overt,” says Burns. And she’s dead right.

The ACL was furious that I outed their connection to Christian dominionism and the 7 Mountains mandate in 2011, but, look! Here’s the ACL’s Martyn Iles presenting in front of the self-same dominionist logo at the 2021 Church & State Summit. Count those mountains – 7 of ‘em!

“But that doesn’t mean he’s a dominionist!” I can hear Rob Benson and Jim Wallace cry. Well, yeah, but his mouth’s wide open and right next to those 7 Mountains of dominionist sugar. 

Again, in this photo from 2023, we see the ACL’s former Managing Director and Chief of Staff, Lyle Shelton, standing proudly in front of the same 7 Mountains logo. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!

I was derided in 2011 when I suggested the ACL was dominionist. Even Scott Stephens from the ABC’s Religion & Ethics site, who, despite enormous pressure from the ACL, published my article, told me he thought I had gone too far; that I “just didn’t understand Australian protestantism.”

But I knew I was on the right track when I attended a conference at which Professor Marion Maddox, Australia’s leading authority on the intersection of religion and politics in Australia and the author of God Under Howard, stood at the lectern and said, “Is the Australian Christian Lobby dominionist? Chrys Stevenson is right.”

Since then, my spidey-sense about the ACL has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt. Now, I’m sticking my neck out to take my concerns even further. 

I used to kid myself that dominionism in Australia was a quixotic attempt to quietly infiltrate government and cultural institutions in order to wield undue influence. I saw it happening at a local level with local Pentecostal churches entreating parents to join their state school’s Parents and Citizens group in order to support school chaplaincy. Annoying but, ultimately, small change.

Fast forward to the present day and former MP George Christensen and Christian conservative commentator, David Pellowe,  are openly talking about doing the same thing with political parties with Pellowe saying of their plans to take over the Liberal party:

“It’s not branch stacking, it’s participation.”

Read:  “I’m not eating the sugar … I’m consuming it!”

Dominionism has moved on since I first took on Jim Wallace and the ACL. Following the events of January 6 in the USA, I don’t think we can dismiss 7 Mountains dominionism as annoying, but ultimately harmless; a comically, quixotic tilt at theocratic power. 

OK. I don’t think a Christian coup is imminent in the country … yet … but I believe that’s what they’re planning – or at least, hoping, for. And the language is becoming increasingly bellicose.

At a Church & State “Kingdom Come” Summit in 2021, the ACL’s Managing Director, Martyn Iles. bemoaned the fact that governments were legislating progressively. Iles joked that his father often said, “we need a good war” to sort this out. “There’s a little bit of truth in that,” said Iles.

Conference convenor, Dave Pellowe hastily, yet unconvincingly, added:

“We’re not advocating violence or revolution … today.”

To which Martyn Iles replied:

“Not yet, that’s down the line.”


Of course we could dismiss this as a bit of good-natured blokey banter that went awry – “Only joking’ folks!” … Until you see the 7 Mountains logo used like this:


At this point, the good folks at the ACL and the organisers of the Church & State Summit will be reaching for their smelling salts, proclaiming, “Spiritual warfare, you stupid woman! They’re talking about spiritual warfare!”

But, to be clear, at a Born for War sermon at a 7 Mountains dominionist event, held just prior to the US 2021 election, American dominionist, Steve Holt, called for a “Kingdom of God revolution in our time.” Holt prayed:

“May this state, in the years ahead, run red with the blood of Jesus. May this city, run red with the blood of Jesus. May this county, run red with the blood of Jesus.”

Read in conjunction with the bellicose rhetoric of Pellowe and Iles in March 2021, it’s hard not to join the dots and connect the ideology of our home-grown Bible bashers to that of the Christofascists who attempted a coup at the US Capitol; many of them emboldened by the rhetoric of the 7 Mountains Mandate.

Researcher and journalist, Teddy Wilson (in an article by Elle Hardy for Unherd), mapped more than 850 individuals who took part in the Capitol riot and found that:

“Christian Nationalism, more than any other ideological beliefs, has played the most significant role both in motivations of the defendants, the performance of the attack, and the attempt by the Right to rewrite the history of January 6th.”

And, marching alongside those Christian Nationalists? Hundreds of neo-fascist Proud Boys – bearing the same name and ideology as the men with whom Lyle Shelton (front left) and Dave Pellowe (standing) are beaming in the photo below.  Don’t want to be called a fascist? Don’t socialise with neo-Nazis!

“Good to catch up with the Proud Boys at the Mt Gravatt Bowls Club. Contrary to popular opinion they are not Nazis, just blokes who are sick of all the PC nonsense,” Shelton tweeted.

Great blokes – who just happen to be wearing black shirts (symbols of Italian fascism) and making White Power signs. 

Here’s a curious thing; Hitler wasn’t too fussed on all the PC nonsense either. His aversion to political correctness (aka human decency) led to the murder of approximately six million Jews, homosexuals, people with disabilities and various political dissenters. And Poland wasn’t too pleased, either. Good bloke, that Führer! He sure knew how to get rid of all that PC nonsense.

It seems that neo-fascists and the good Christians of the religious right have found common cause, not only in the US, but here in Australia. To be honest, it’s nice that poor Lyle has found some friends. After being cast-off from the ACL, Lyle’s been wandering in the wilderness for somewhat more than 40 days and 40 nights. But, I fear he’s following the Apostle Matthew’s story rather too closely.

How well do you know your Bible?

After Christ was lost in the wilderness he came across the devil who offered him food and drink. 

“Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain and he showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence and he said to him, “All these I shall give to you if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.” 

Jesus was smart enough to tell Old Nick to go to hell. The gormless Shelton met the devil, knocked back a few beers and declared him a good bloke. All Shelton and Pellowe saw is that the Proud Boys might be useful to the dominionist agenda. “Thanks for the beer! Can I give you a ride home, Satan?” says Lyle.

I no longer believe that 7 Mountains is a peaceful movement which seeks only to influence but not forcibly seize control of our government and cultural institutions. There is strong evidence that 7 Mountains theology was weaponised to rationalise the violent attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. 

Using the buzz words used by the 7 Mountains movement, a pastor who spoke at Trump’s rally on January 6 told the crowd:

“We are not just in a culture war, we are in a kingdom war. There are but two parties right now, traitors and patriots.”

David Barton, a leader of the 7 Mountains Movement – also an Islamaphobe, homophobe, anti-immigration campaigner, historical revisionist, outright liar and a key liaison between the GOP and right-wing Christian networks – tweeted a video of himself inside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. (Barton has the honour of having his 2012 book, The Jefferson Lies, voted the “least credible history book in print.”)

Tyler Ethridge was also charged in association with the insurrection. Ethridge live-streamed the events as he joined the crowd which stormed the capitol. He was pictured standing on scaffolding outside Nancy Pelosi’s office as well as inside the chamber. 

Ethridge is a graduate of the “School of Practical Government” at Andrew Wommack‘s, Charis Bible College which trains students in the 7 Mountain Mandate. Wommack is also the founder of 7M Ventures Inc. – which sounds like it might be a nice little earner. 

Breathless with excitement, Ethridge says in his video:

“We stormed the Capitol… This is amazing. I hope this doesn’t get me thrown in jail. I’m officially a pastor. This is what pastors need to do. … Christians, we need to infiltrate every area of society like this. Every area of society like this. Peacefully. But if it takes a little bit of aggression to barge through the walls that Satan separates us from the culture, it’s time for the body of Christ to infiltrate the culture.”

Radicalised grandmother, Rebecca Lavrenz, of Colorado Springs was later arrested for her involvement in the attempted coup. A review of Lavrenz’s social media found she had been sharing posts from 7 Mountain Mandate dominionists and had attended an event headlined by Andrew Wommack. Lavrenz and her family attended the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6 and Lavrenz joined the crowd who entered the Capitol building.

Elle Hardy, who has written extensively about dominionism in her book Beyond Belief: How Pentecostal Christianity is taking over the world, notes that 7 Mountains ideology has infiltrated deeply into the Republican Party. She says:

“A plan by a shadowy group of ‘prophets’ and ‘apostles’ to take over the world sounds like the stuff of a bad airport novel, but it is one of the most important ideas in the Pentecostal movement today.”

We shouldn’t be surprised that Australia’s right wing Christian cohort have flocked to the 7 Mountains theology like flies to a glob of Golden Syrup. As I said in 2011, when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. But it’s a cold that many of the old guard dinosaurs of the Australian Christian right-wing have caught before. The fascism implicit in the 7 Mountains Mandate is part of the dark and rarely discussed history of the Australian Christian Lobby.

As I have stated often, the Australian Christian Lobby grew out of a right-wing religious cult, the Logos Foundation, which embraced reconstructionism – a more muscular version of dominionism which called for a coup of the world’s governments in order to reinstate divine law and justice. Dominionism tended to be sneakier – they preferred infiltration by stealth.

Logos was strongly ‘pro-life’ with one key exception: it advocated the return of capital punishment in line with Old Testament Law – not just for first-degree murder, but for homosexuality, too. 

According to former fascist, David Greason (in Faces of Hate, Cunene et al, 1997), the Australian Christian Lobby’s predecessor, the Logos Foundation,  and the fascist, ultra-nationalist, League of Rights, worked happily in alliance during the 1980s.

Way back in the 80s, the Logos Foundation fraternised with fascists and dreamed of taking over Queensland politics – hey, it’s not the world, but it’s a start! 

Along with Logos’ leader, Howard Carter, and Lyle Shelton’s father, Ian Shelton, Jeremy Lee was a co-founder of the Logos Foundation. Lee was also the Queensland and northern NSW director of the League of Rights and acted as the ‘defacto deputy’ to the League’s founder, Eric Butler. Cosy. No-one seemed to think that represented any conflict of interests.

ACL co-founder, and former Baptist minister, John McNicoll, was a contributor to the League of Rights’ journal, “The Strategy”, although he later sought to distance himself and the Network for Christian Values (later the ACL) from the organisation and claimed NCV director, Derek Brown, had since resiled from Logos’ anti-semitic views (Canberra Times, September 1994).

But you do have to admire them. Without the benefit of mobile phones or the internet, these Christofascists of far-gone days had networking down to a ’t’.

After the collapse of Logos (Carter was caught bonking someone other than his wife), Australian society became ever more progressive. I find it amusing that Australia’s Christian right leaders adopted their own version of ‘political correctness’. They saw the need to be more ‘polite’ in order to be accepted into the echelons of power. So they ’resiled’ from their ‘formerly held’ fascist, racist, and anti-semitic beliefs. But don’t fret. Homosexuals were still fair game.

Now, in this (partly) post-pandemic world the ACL and their ilk feel emboldened to embrace their inner fascist. No longer denying their involvement with Christian dominionism, the nation’s Christian leaders stood proudly in front of the 7 Mountains logo at the recent Church & State Summit – and at previous summits. Were all the speakers fascists? No. But they are certainly dipping their spoons into the fascist sugar bowl.

In an interview with anti-fascist campaigner, Andy Fleming (aka Slackbastard) and journalist, Cam Smith, Kate Burns notes that one of the key figures in the American Christofascist movement is Jurgen Matthesius, founder of the Awaken Church in San Diego. Matthesius began his journey in the Christian City Church in Sydney (now C3) and Hillsong College. He counts Australian pastor Phil Pringle and Hillsong’s disgraced former leader, Brian Houston, as mentors. Among his followers, Matthesius is known as “the General.”

In a recent article, Burns accuses Matthesius of “preaching fascism.

Matthesius has become radicalised over recent years, says Burns, and his church “has become a hotbed for San Diego’s Christofascist scene … Their culture war push has seen founders, pastors and congregants” involved in numerous actions, including the January 6, 2021 Capitol Riot.

“Awaken’s goal,” says Burns, “although they don’t say this directly, is to have Christianity dominate US and eventually global society.”

And, of course, plans for TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION requires money – lots of it. Matthesius reminds his band of merry mountaineers:

“God is brilliant with ledgers. God is the most perfect accountant, he knows everything you give and he makes sure it comes back to you with interest.”

According to Burns, Matthesius’ sermons are also peppered with “Talk of rampant election fraud, globalist cabals and genocidal elites.” If this is the state of the world, surely a religious-led coup is absolutely justified! You can see how suburban, church-going grandmas like Rebecca Lavrenz become radicalised. And, of course, the message is even more compelling for young, testosterone-fuelled, white males who see themselves as saviours of the world and the future leaders of the post-revolutionary society.

Matthesius has strong connections within Australia and travels frequently between the two countries. According to Kate Burns, Christofascism in Australia is tinder-dry; it just needs a charismatic flame like Matthesius to set it ablaze. Matthesius, she believes, is keeping a close eye on opportunities in Australia. 

Recently, disgraced former Hillsong pastor, Pat Mesiti, organised a Prayer and Pushback online event: “The War’s Not Over, Where to Now?” screams the headline on the event website. Speakers at the event included Jurgen Matthesius, Avi Yemeni (who is known to consort with neo-Nazis and is the on the watch-list of Jews Against Fascism), Craig Kelly, MP Malcolm Roberts and libertarianTopher Field. In 2011, Topher Field was speaking at the National Seminar of the Australian League of Rights. But, of course, THAT DOESN’T MAKE HIM A FASCIST!

Christensen, Robert, and Field were also speakers at the recent Church & State Summit organised by Dave Pellowe. You know, the one with the 7 Mountains logo prominently displayed behind every speaker. You’d be an idiot if you didn’t join the dots.

Am I warning against a right-wing, religious coup similar to that which we saw in America on January 6? Yes – and no. Australia is a very different country to the US and religious nut-baggery has not yet taken hold of the population in great numbers. But, as we’ve seen in previous parliaments, the nutters don’t need a majority in order to wield enormous influence. They just need to hold the balance of power. And, as we’ve learned from the culture wars in the USA, Christofascists and their political masters don’t need to actually succeed to cause a shit-load of damage to democracy. 

At the Church & State Summit in 2021, Martyn Iles, then representing the Australian Christian Lobby, said that, until now Christians have tended to “hide in plain sight”.  Now, he said:

“The more we are seen for who we really are, the more powerful our influence is actually going to be.

… All of a sudden I’m actually seeing people rising up more and more and more. Give this a couple of years and we’ll be able to put such a shockwave through any Parliament in the country they won’t even know what hit them. And we’re almost at that point.”

Chrys Stevenson

Secular chaplains? Been there, done that …

Here is a link to my latest article on Medium for ⁦‪Humanists Australia. It‬⁩ reviews the history of school chaplaincy to explain why we shouldn’t be rejoicing about ⁦Education Minister Jason Clare’s announcement re secular well-being workers. We’ve been down this road before.

When it comes to school chaplaincy, both the Coalition and the ALP have been too clever by half. I’m cynical. It sounds like a Morrison-esque exercise – all announcement and no substance. And, even if it isn’t, is diluting a flawed program with secular well-being workers really what our kids need?

On the Road Again – Is Labor Serious About a Secular Alternative to School Chaplains?

Morrison on Disability: He Meant What He Said

During the Sky News leaders’ debate last night (20/4/22), the mother of an autistic child asked Prime Minister Scott Morrison why she should vote for his party, given that, following a review, her son’s NDIS had been slashed by 30 per cent. Morrison responded:

“I’ve been blessed, we’ve got two children that don’t … haven’t had to go through that. And so for parents, with children who are disabled, I can only try and understand your aspirations for those children.”

Not surprisingly, many people took that to mean:

“Geez, lady, I dunno. Us being good Christians, me and Jen, God gifted us with “normal” children.

You have to understand, if you do the right thing, praise the Lord and learn to speak in Tongues, you get rewarded. If you piss God off, you end up with a kid on the NDIS.

Who’s fault’s that? Certainly not mine; certainly not the taxpayers’!

So, instead of bitching about the NDIS, lady, maybe you should look at what you did to get yourself into this pickle, eh?

When’s the last time you praised the Lord? Did you have premarital sex? Did you vote “Yes” in the marriage equality postal survey? Have you ever had an abortion? Do you even tithe? God, forbid! You’re not bloody Catholic, are you?

Maybe try getting right with God and your kid will be cured. Tithe enough and God might even make you rich.

By the way, would you like to join my Amway downline?”

Harsh? I don’t think so.

Morrison makes no secret of the fact he is a Pentecostal Christian – absolutely immersed in that faith (see my post about that here). Pentecostals are big on shrugging off institutional responsibility and apportioning individual blame, and there’s not much difference between their views on poverty and their thoughts about disability.

The Prosperity Gospel teaches that if you’re not at the top of the Amway pyramid, it’s your own damned fault. As Morrison said to people living in poverty in Australia, “If you have a go in this country you’ll get a go.” (Tell that to all the Pentecostal Christians with garages full of cleaning products they can’t sell.)

It’s this mindset – that if people are struggling they only have themselves to blame – that rationalises Morrison’s determination to keep the NewStart allowance at $46 per day. Living in destitution is seen as a surefire way of motivating bludgers – oops, sorry – people to ‘have a go’ in Morrison’s Australia.

As Tanya Levin, a former member/victim of Hillsong Church and author of the exposé People in Glass Houses: An Insider’s Story of a Life Inside and Out of Hillsong” explains:

“Prosperity theology is explicit in its assertion that wealth demonstrates God’s approval. The prime minister believes that “the poor you shall always have with you”. It is understood that if you are not financially successful, you have not tithed enough, prayed enough, or been holy enough.”

This prosperity gospel thinking is a mirror image of the Pentecostal theology relating to disability. But Morrison was never meant to say it out loud.

Following an outcry from people with disabilities, the families of those with disabilities and social media in general, today has seen a great deal of re-framing and back-peddling from the Morrison camp.

Morrison has apologised for his comment, saying:

“I meant no offence by what I said last night but I accept that it has caused offence to people … I think people would also appreciate that I would have had no such intention of suggesting that anything other than every child is a blessing is true.

Every child is precious and a blessing to every parent.

I don’t think that’s in dispute and I don’t think anyone would seriously think that I had the intent of anything different to that.”

Finance Minister, Simon Birmingham insisted the Prime Minister’s words had been taken out of context:

“The PM, actually in that context, was talking about not having to deal with the many challenges of systems that you have to work through to get support.”

While Senator Hollie Hughes, a conservative Catholic, said the disability community’s ‘rage machine’ was to blame for the sector’s failure to achieve “constructive gains.”

Let’s be clear. The Prime Minister didn’t ‘mis-speak’, he wasn’t taken ‘out of context’, his words aren’t being twisted by his opponents. In a rare moment of honesty Scott Morrison said exactly what he has been taught to think by his church: that disease and disability are inflicted by God as punishment for sin. Following this line of thought, the logical conclusion is that those who follow the Pentecostal faith will be ‘blessed’ with exemptions from these ‘curses’.

I understand this aspect of Pentecostalism from bitter experience. When a member of my family began experiencing worrying symptoms, they were referred by their church to a church-approved, Pentecostal psychologist. The verdict, after much probing into the piety of my relative, was that the symptoms were a punishment for the fact one of our ancestors was a Grand Master of the Freemasons. Ardent prayer was prescribed. (In fact, as it turned out, my relative had a malignant tumour.)

This toxic belief that disease and disability is either self-inflicted or the result of some kind of ancestral sin is causing havoc in African countries that have been effectively colonised by evangelical Christians of the Pentecostal variety. In Uganda and elsewhere, sick and disabled people are expelled from their homes, brutalised and sometimes burned as witches. This is not an Indigenous practice – it has been imported and inflamed by missionaries of Pentecostal Churches.

Reporting from the ground, Ugandan Humanist, Leo Igwe says:

“It cannot be overemphasized that churches in Africa are instrumental to the witch craze in the region. Programs and activities of faith organizations continue to fuel witchcraft suspicions with sometimes horrific consequences on alleged witches.”

Similarly, a theological treatise on Pentecostalism in Zimbabwe states:

” …. there is a common misconception in these prevailing and mushrooming prophetic, charismatic and Pentecostal religious organizations that people living with Disability have been either cursed, bewitched or possessed by the evil spirit.”

Australian Pentecostals may not be as forthright about this toxic belief as the evangelicals infecting African nations, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there, bubbling just below the surface – until the Prime Minister had a brain fart on national TV.

It wasn’t that long ago when Hillsong sponsored Mercy Ministries, an arm of the church set up to heal young women suffering from eating and other ‘disorders’ (including – shock, horror – lesbianism). In exchange for their social security cheques, these vulnerable girls were promised in-house therapy and treatment. But what Hillsong/Mercy delivered was not medical treatment but exorcisms.

Call it demon possession or witchcraft, the basic premise of this theology is that disability and disease are Satanic and the result of some kind of personal or familial spiritual weakness.

Scott Morrison was a member of Hillsong Church (Waterloo) around the time that Mercy Ministries was operating, but he is now a member of Horizon Church (Sutherland). But Morrison maintains strong ties to Hillsong. In his first speech to Parliament, and even more recently, Morrison cited disgraced former leader, Brian Houston, as a spiritual mentor.

Even after decamping to Horizon Church, Morrison was pastored by Michael Murphy, the former Associate Pastor to Brian Houston at Hillsong. So, we can be sure that the spiritual lessons he was being taught at Horizon were much the same as those at Hillsong.

Horizon is now headed by pastors Brad and Alison Bonhomme but, with Horizon still associated with the Pentecostal Australian Christian Churches, and this view of disability being fairly consistent throughout that denomination, we can assume the same kinds of beliefs prevail.

In a scholarly paper on Pentecostalism Luke Thompson from the University of South Florida explains how Pentecostals think about sickness and disability:

“Well established within Pentecostal theology is the belief that the presence of suffering (sickness or debilitating conditions) may indicate personal sin, symbolize unholiness, or result from demonic influence.”

According to Thompson, Pentecostals:

“readily accept Exodus 15:26, a passage of scripture indisputably relating to ancient Jews, which links health with obedience, and sickness with disobedience as evidence for the contemporary normative association of sin with suffering.”

Thompson continues:

“Those who repent or who are truly saved are believed to be ‘supernaturally rescued’ from suffering through prayer. Pentecostals’ view of the Bible supports the Pentecostal view of disability.”

Pentecostals believe that healing is to be expected as a result of obedience and faith (or the casting out of demons). It follows then that lack of obedience or lack of faith is to blame when the disabled stubbornly refuse to “heal themselves”.

Given this perspective it’s not surprising that, under Morrison’s stewardship, the NDIS and the people it is meant to serve are in crisis. Nor is it a coincidence that this monumental fuck-up has occurred under the control of Morrison’s spiritual brother, fellow Pentecostal, Stuart Robert – the man Morrison affectionately calls “Brother Stuie”.

It was Brother Stuie who praised Scott Morrison’s rather creepy practice of surreptitiously “laying hands” upon random strangers and praying for them. One wonders how often that was inflicted upon unsuspecting people from the disability community?

Last night, when Scott Morrison said he was ‘blessed’ to have two non-disabled children, he meant exactly what he said. It was a dog-whistle, a humble-brag – “Look at me. See how holy I am? God gave me kids off the good pile, and boy, do I deserve it!”

Of course, he’d never be so crass as to say it as baldly as that in public, but the theology in which Morrison has immersed himself throughout his adult life leaves no doubt that, despite his protestations to the contrary, this was, indeed, what he meant.

Chrys Stevenson

Katherine Deves – Worse Than Just a Transphobe

In the 2022 Federal election, Katherine Deves is Scott Morrison’s ‘captain’s pick’ for Warringah, the electorate formerly represented by Tony Abbott and, currently, by independent Zali Steggall.

This week, social and mainstream media has erupted over the fact that Ms Deves is a notorious TERF – a trans-exclusionary radical feminist. This claim can be made with no fear of defamation. Ms Deves, herself, has proudly confirmed this status by wishing an interviewer a “Merry TERF-mas”.

Specifically, Ms Deves wants to ‘protect women’ by excluding transgender women from sport. Make no mistake, TERFS (who argue that transgender women aren’t ‘real’ women) are an extremist fringe group and do not represent the vast majority of feminists or, indeed, women in general. But this is not the argument I wish to make against Ms Deves.

The cruel, harmful, callous divisiveness of this candidate’s crusade against trans women should be sufficient reason for her to be disendorsed. But even for those who are not offended by her stance on transgender women, there is a very good reason to reject Ms Deves’ aspiration to represent the electorate of Warringah. In my opinion, Ms Deves has failed a crucial test of professional competence which should exclude her from the opportunity of holding any public office.

A huge part of of a politicians’ responsibility to their electorate involves reading reports from various stakeholders, critically analysing those reports, and arriving at a conclusion based on which information provides the best evidence for a particular course of action. Using these skills, we entrust our political representatives to choose a position and defend it by reporting honestly and accurately on the material which supports it. Our entire democratic system depends, in large part, to our politicians mastering these skills of comprehension, critical analysis and clear and accurate communication.

Ms Deves has recently apologised for a statement in which she suggested that 50 per cent of transgender women are sex offenders. Regardless of the context in which it was made, the statement is false.

I happily concede that this single tweet may have been part of a broader conversation with additional context – but Ms Deves had an opportunity to clarify that in her apology, and didn’t. Further, because her social media was such a sewer of transphobic excrement, Ms Deves had to close down her social media accounts to avoid scrutiny – so it’s no longer possible for me to see the entire thread. Therefore, I can only critique Ms Deves on the statement she has clearly, and unequivocally, made in this tweet.

First, Ms Deves refers to ‘males with trans identities’ when, of course, what she means is transgender women.

Second, she suggests that 50 per cent of transgender women are sex offenders, compared to 20 per cent of men. This is clearly untrue.

In Australia the rate of sexual offences in relation to the male population is about 55 in 100,000. That’s .06 per cent, not 20 per cent as stated by Ms Deves. For someone seeking a career in which statistics play a huge role, that’s an incredibly big margin of error.

The report on which Ms Deves’ allegation is based is a 2018 study commissioned by the trans-exclusionary radical feminist group, Fair Play for Women. It took a while to pin this down because Ms Deves hiked up their figure from 41 per cent to 50 per cent (what’s 9 per cent between TERFY friends?). As we shall see, in a catastrophic failure of either professional skills or personal ethics, Ms Deves completely misrepresented this discredited study.

Importantly, the Fair Play for Women report did not look at the general population but at a particular population of prison inmates in the UK – something that Ms Deves did not refer to in her tweet. To be fair, Twitter’s brevity does mean that sometimes you have to leave stuff out. But, Deves’ defamatory tweet was extremely brief – she still had an unused 134 characters which she could have used to clarify that she was talking about inmates in English and Welsh prisons, not all men or all transgender women.

Politics requires superior communication skills – even when communicating in précis. Despite being trained as a lawyer, and despite having plenty of room to clarify her statement, Ms Deves sent out a tweet which clearly implied that 50 per cent of all transgender women are sex offenders. It was, at the very least, careless and, at worse, malicious.

Ms Deves’ willingness to use the Fair Play for Women report in public discourse is cause for alarm. Political representatives act (or should act) on the best information they can accrue on any particular issue. But not all information a politician receives is good, accurate, nor even honest information. It is their job to sort the wheat from the chaff and they must have the skill-set to do this.

The questions politicians must ask of reports and submissions are the same questions academics ask:

  • Who wrote this?
  • What is their agenda?
  • Who did the research?
  • Is the methodology sound?
  • Are the findings consistent with those of experts, or are they wildly out of kilter?
  • If so, why?
  • Is there some ideological bias here?
  • Are the figures contested? If so, by whom?
  • Are the figures supported by official sources?
  • Is this study from a peer-reviewed, credible academic journal?

If we choose politicians who carelessly latch on to any report that appears to support their particular bias – no matter how disreputable the source or how shaky the figures – we end up with politicians of the calibre of Pauline Hanson, Stuart Robert and George Christensen. I think even Captain Scott Morrison would agree that’s a very low bar to set.

As a professional researcher I do these kinds of checks every day. Yes, it’s time consuming. But I’ve found that if you look, you’ll often find that reports which feature in public debates have already been expertly interrogated. That’s how I found that the BBC had fact-checked Fair Play for Women’s claim that 41 per cent of transgender female prisoners were sex offenders, compared with 20 per cent of male prisoners, and determined that it was, to be blunt, bullshit.

The BBC reality-check team went straight to the authority on prisons in the UK – the Ministry of Justice. The MoJ confirmed that, to the best of their knowledge, in the whole of England and Wales, there were 125 transgender prisoners (but they conceded they really don’t have accurate numbers). They could not say whether these were transgender males or females.

If the Ministry of Justice says they couldn’t do the study undertaken by Fair Play for Women because reliable data simply isn’t available, you have to seriously question the validity of the study on which Ms Deves has, inadvertently, staked her future political career.

Remember that old quote about there being “lies, damned lies, and statistics”? In my work I repeatedly find that bad actors use dodgy statistics in a strategy commonly referred to as FUD – weaponising “fear, uncertainty and distrust”.

The idea that 41 per cent of transgender women in prisons are sex offenders is confronting and scary – and it’s intended to be. But even if that figure were true (and it isn’t) let’s look at it in context.

In 2017 (the year in which the Fair Play for Women report was compiled) there were 82,773 inmates in English and Welsh prisons. That means that, according to the best estimate of the Ministry of Justice, identifiable transgender people accounted for .001 per cent of felons.

And even if it were true that 50 per cent of those people were sex offenders, they would account for a minuscule .05 per cent of the prison population.

Do the people of Warringah really deserve a politician who’s willing to weaponise “fear, uncertainty and doubt” against a minority group? This isn’t how responsible politicians behave.

But it’s not just a question of ethics. It’s a question of responsible use of public resources; and a politician’s time is a tax-payer funded resource. Constituents should not be paying for a politician to spend a disproportionate amount of time on a meaningless hobby horse when there are more important issues to be concerned about. Consider, for example, George Christensen’s passionate interest in adult entertainment bars in Manila which takes him away from his electorate for months of the year. OK, Ms Deves may not be cruising titty-bars in the Phillipines, but she has decided to devote an inordinate amount of her time to campaigning against a group of people which, in the very worst case scenario, might (but doesn’t) account for .01 per cent of prison inmates. Doesn’t that sound just a wee bit silly?

Of course, Ms Deves will claim that her primary concern is that cisgender women are unfairly disadvantaged by transgender women’s involvement in competitive sport. Research into this issue is on-going and contested, but a systemic review of the literature in 2017 concluded that:

“there is no direct or consistent research suggesting transgender female individuals (or male individuals) have an athletic advantage at any stage of their transition (e.g. cross-sex hormones, gender-confirming surgery).”

And, even if subsequent studies show that, in some cases or in particular sports, some athletes have an unfair advantage, the solution is not to ban transgender athletes, but to implement a system which takes account of abnormal physiological advantages of competitors, regardless of their gender.

Surely we need politicians who can think laterally about problems to find solutions that don’t unfairly demonise or disadvantage minorities?

Returning to Deves’ assertions about transgender women in UK prisons. As you probably suspected, neither 50 per cent, nor even 41 per cent of female transgender inmates in English and Welsh prisons are sexual offenders. In reality, the figure magicked up by Fair Play for Women is based on identifiable transgender prisoners serving long sentences for serious crimes in the UK prison system and involves a ridiculously small cohort of just 125 subjects.

The Ministry of Justice confirmed to the BBC that counting transgender inmates is not a simple task. For various reasons, transgender females serving shorter sentences are less likely to appear in official statistics (more details are included in the article).

Any study that looks at identifiable transgender female prisoners will inevitably provide an inaccurate picture, because only a portion of the population (the very worst offenders) is included in the data. The Fair Play for Women report ignores an unknown number of unidentified transgender transgressors in jail for any number of lesser crimes. The “60 out of 125” prisoners identified as sex offenders in the study may, in reality, be 60 out of 250 or 500 or 1000. The MoJ doesn’t know, so neither do the geniuses who wrote the Fair Play for Women paper.

Imagine if a politician were asked to determine whether a bridge, or a carpark, or a childcare centre was required in their electorate, but, had their own intractable view on the necessity of the infrastructure. In order to get get the result they want, the politician only canvasses information from the portion of the electorate they know will support their foregone conclusion; ignoring the rest. This would, of course, be reprehensible and dishonest behaviour. But, in looking only at the worst portion of the prison population, this is, essentially what happened in the Fair Play for Women report. The dodgy use of data in this report, and Ms Deves’ uncritical promotion of its findings, is either incompetent or malicious.

There are many reasons why the people of Warringah should be very wary about voting for Katherine Deves.

Katherine Deves is a transphobe and that should be more than enough to exclude her from membership of any self-respecting political party – let alone pre-selection as a political candidate.

In her crusade against transgender people, Ms Deves has distastefully compared herself to the Germans who stood up against Nazis.

And while 41 per cent of transgender females are absolutely not sex offenders, we know that a percentage close to this will attempt to take their own lives; largely because of the kind of propaganda bandied about by TERFS like Ms Deves. According to a 2022 study in the peer-reviewed Journal of Interpersonal Violence, between 40-56 per cent of transgender people are likely to attempt suicide. And yet, when discussing this very real concern recently, Ms Deves said:

“We hear from the other side the toll, all the harm, the devastation, we’re all going to commit suicide and blah blah.”

No politician will ever be perfect. But you would expect, at a minimum, an aspiring politician with an interest in gender issues would educate themselves about the alarming statistics relating to LGBTIQ+ suicide and self-harm. It is not unreasonable for the people of Warringah to expect that a political candidate would have sufficient human compassion not to dismiss the deaths of real people as “blah, blah, blah.”

But, even setting these glaring flaws, in perpetuating (and misquoting) the propaganda in the Fair Play for Women paper, Ms Deves has demonstrated that she lacks the critical thinking skills and discernment necessary to be an honest and effective political representative.

To be scrupulously fair, it may well be that Ms Deves (who, after all, has earned a law degree), does have the skills I have accused her of lacking, but, in her zeal to degrade transgender women, simply chose not to apply those skills. In that case, one can only view her promotion of the Fair Play for Women report as intentionally malicious and dishonest.

It’s really one or the other.

Whichever it is, the citizens of Warringah must really consider whether Katherine Deves is the calibre of politician who best represents their interests and values. I think the answer is clear.

Chrys Stevenson

Children’s Health Defense Anti-Vaxx Propaganda targets Australian Parents

In August last year, I compiled an A-Z list of anti-vaxxers who had died of COVID-19. This wasn’t intended to mock them or to celebrate their deaths. My purpose was simply to pull together some of the many stories circulating on the internet to serve as a cautionary message to the ‘vaccine hesitant.’ People die when they are fooled by con-artists peddling false information.

Since then, of course, there have been many more preventable deaths. Data from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (November 2021) shows that unvaccinated people are 16 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than those who are fully vaccinated.


Yet, the conspiracy theories continue, based on a raft of lies by anti-vaxx groups and organisations which are earning bucketloads of cash from all the ‘clicks’ and merchandise sales generated by their social media posts.

Since I wrote about preventable deaths in August, the focus of anti-vaxxers has shifted from adults to children. Early in the pandemic, it seemed that children were less susceptible to COVID-19. But with new strains, more children are falling ill, and some are dying.

In New York, this week, hospital admissions for children rose by 66 per cent. Currently, in Australia, children under 12 account for more than a fifth of all COVID-19 cases. As of November 16, 2021, there have been almost 27,000 cases in Australia among children aged zero to nine with about 2.5 per cent of them being hospitalised.

A key reason why children are being hospitalised is that many of them are not vaccinated. To date, 700 children have died in America as a result of COVID-19 – and, despite what you’ll hear from anti-vaxxers, none as a result of vaccination. Even if the death rate for children is low, we don’t yet know what the long-term health consequences might be and whether mild cases may still be associated with long COVID.

As health authorities urge parents to vaccinate their children, Children’s Health Defense (CHD), an anti-vaccination group headed by Robert F Kennedy Jr, is muddying the waters by running a global scare-campaign against vaccinating kids. This is a highly professional outfit. You can’t blame parents for being confused and frightened.

Now that Australian parents are being encourage to have their 5-11 year old children vaccinated, misinformation from Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense group is being distributed through Australian school, sporting and “mummy-blogger” networks. To those unused to sorting out fact from fiction, the CHD’s professional-looking 150-page PDF looks convincing, and terrifying. The document “Are Covid Vaxxes Safe for Children?” uses the same technique as the television commentator, Madison Madison, in the movie, “Don’t Look Up.”

“Just asking questions!” she smiles as she seeds fear, uncertainty and doubt in her viewers.

Just a few minutes’ research showed that the information being peddled by Robert F Kennedy’s CHD is patently false and misleading.

“Why?” I asked myself.

“Why would educated people spread lies designed to discourage parents from a harmless medical intervention that will potentially save their child’s life? They must know they’re telling lies and risking children’s lives. Why would anybody do that?”

A little more research and the “why” soon became clear. The answer was, as always, “money and power.”

Children’s Health Defense don’t just ‘share’ information, they invest heavily in disseminating it. An investigation by international news agency, AP, found that, along with another (subsequently banned) group, Children’s Health Defense purchased more than half the anti-vaccination advertising on Facebook. They are spending money to aggressively circulate disinformation across multiple platforms.

Since 2018, revenue earned by Children’s Health Defense has risen from $1.1 million (US) to $6.8 million. Meanwhile, Robert F Kennedy’s income from the organisation rose from $131,250 to $255,000 ($354,000 Australian).

AP says:

“Since the pandemic started, Children’s Health Defense has expanded the reach of its newsletter, which uses slanted information, cherry-picked facts and conspiracy theories to spread distrust of the COVID-19 vaccines. The group has also launched an internet TV channel and started a movie studio. CHD has global ambitions.” [my emphasis]

Global ambitions: that means money and power. And if it costs a couple of thousand kid’s lives to achieve that, well, hey, who’s counting?

It’s true that CHD is a not-for-profit organisation. But who knows how the money being made from the very lucrative anti-vaxx industry is being circulated behind the scenes? According to AP, Children’s Health Defense is part of a global anti-vaxx network which is actively marketing health and vaccination disinformation for fun and profit. Like multi-level marketers, there are huge profits to be made in selling DVDs, booklets and other merchandise. Networkers also appear to be sharing income-generating affiliate links.

Professor Dorit Reiss, an expert in vaccine policy calls it a “disinformation industry.” She suggests it works in much the same way as MLM (multi-level marketing) schemes which funnel money from the grassroots to the top of the pyramid. While Children’s Health Defense denies any financial links with “for profit” organisations, AP believes money is being funnelled to the organisation both through “affiliate links” and through substantial “donations” from for-profit entities.

Propaganda from Children’s Health Defense has been thoroughly debunked by experts. Even Kennedy’s own family is disgusted by him, saying he:

“has helped to spread dangerous misinformation over social media and is complicit in sowing distrust of the science behind vaccines.”

But the 150 page document, now circulating widely in Australia, unleashes a tsunami of false claims making it almost impossible to refute every one.

There’s a debating technique known as the “Gish Gallop“. The strategy is to bombard your opponent with so many factoids that it is simply impossible for them to discount every one within the time allowed. Even if they successfully counter three or four, you are able to respond, “Ah yes! But what about w, x, y and z? You have no answer for those, did you? You ignored those, didn’t you?” This is the same strategy employed by Children’s Health Defense. They make so many blatantly false claims it’s simply impossible to counter every one.

Even my quick fact-check into some of the claims made by Kennedy’s CHD showed them misrepresenting scientific papers, referring to Vaccination Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data as if every reported event was definitively linked to vaccination (that’s not how VAERS works – it’s like sending every person accused of a crime to jail without a trial!), and quoting from pre-print articles which have not yet been peer-reviewed.

Any university undergraduate who used the research methods employed by Children’s Health Defense would consistently fail their assignments; they ignore the most basic guidelines of academic research.

One of the strategies that Children’s Health Defense uses to claim legitimacy for its arguments is the Great Barrington declaration – an open letter which declares that healthy children should not be vaccinated for COVID-19. Sponsored by a libertarian think-tank, The Great Barrington declaration is, reportedly, signed by 15,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world.

The premise of this declaration has been debunked, but it gets worse. When Sky News investigated the signatories, they found among the 15,000 so called medical experts’ names:

Dr. I.P. Freely

Dr. Person Fakename

Dr. Johnny Bananas

Dr. Harold Shipman

As it turns out, you didn’t have to be a physician or a medical scientist to sign the document. It was made available to anyone to sign – and nobody verified the claims of anyone who added the moniker “Dr” or “Professor” to their name.

In addition, Sky found the ‘experts’ included:

“… 100 therapists, including massage therapists, hypnotherapists, psychotherapists and one Mongolian Khöömii Singer who describes himself as a ‘therapeutic sound practitioner.'”

Parents are under a great deal of pressure right now, and it’s not surprising they want to make the right decision for their children. It’s a crushing responsibility. We can’t expect every parent to know how to critically analyse academic texts. If information looks professional, cites what seems to be information from experts, and there’s a famous name appended to the organization disseminating it, you can’t blame parents from believing it – or at least being alarmed into a degree of vaccine hesitancy.

There is money to be made from posts that go viral on the internet, and posts that scare the bejeezus out of people are those most likely to go viral. Children’s Health Defense is not looking out for your kids, they’re almost certainly part of a multi-level marketing network which trades in disinformation. They know they’re lying. They know they’re putting children’s lives in jeopardy. But they know that playing on parents’ fears is a sure-fire way to rake in the cash. It’s a clever con and you shouldn’t bet your child’s life on them being right.

Chrys Stevenson

Credible resources for parents:

Australian Government Advisory on COVID-19 Vaccines for Children Aged 5-11

ATAGI, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, believes the benefits of vaccination, including both direct and indirect benefits to the child, close contact and community warrant a recommendation for vaccination in this age group. Unvaccinated children will remain at greater risk of adverse outcomes related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) recommend the vaccine for children aged 5-11. 

Dr James Best, Chair of RACGP (Royal Australian College of General Practitioners) Specific Interests Child and Young Person’s Health, welcomed the approval of the vaccine for younger children, saying it is a ‘fantastic opportunity’ to protect them:

“It’s great that ATAGI feel that they have the evidence to go this step. Even though the rate of complications is lower the lower you go in age, it still happens. And we also have the other factor of PIMS-TS [as a side-effect of COVID-19] coming into the equation, as well as indirect effects like loss of school time and lack of socialisation, as well as secondary infection to household carriers who may be at higher risk, like the elderly. So there’s quite a few different factors coming into play.”

The Australian Medical Association has welcomed the TGA’s green light for the vaccine for children aged 5-11 years old. AMA Vice-President Chris May said vaccinating children would prevent outbreaks in schools – especially as the Omicron variant takes hold. 

“We want to be able to keep kids going to school, stopping outbreaks occurring in schools and preventing infection going back home to families, so it’s a good time to vaccinate during the school holidays protecting kids before they return to school.” 

The US medical regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), says the benefits of the Pfizer vaccine “clearly outweigh” the risks of contracting COVID-19 for children aged five to 11.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 and older.  Members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted 14-0 to open up Pfizer vaccines to an estimated 28 million children in the USA.

The prestigious Johns Hopkins Medicine in the US also encouraged all families to have eligible children vaccinated. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the vaccine for all eligible children. 

Tina Ardon, a family medicine physician from the prestigious Mayo Clinic, says it is safe to vaccinate children 5-11 for COVID-19. “The COVID-19 vaccine is extremely safe for our children. We have a number of studies that represent that we’ve had a number of children who have already received the vaccines, and we have been able to monitor those children closely. And we feel very confident this is a safe and effective vaccine,” says Dr. Ardon.

Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States, says:  

“If you have a child 5 to 11, please get that child vaccinated to prevent them from getting anything that even resembles a serious illness.”

In the USA, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) says: 

“Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent COVID-19 infection. ACIP recommends the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5–11 years for the prevention of COVID-19.”

Building Bridges with Liberal Christians – Can Civil Communication Help Us Save the World Together?

Pastor Sharad Yadav of the Bread and Wine Church Community in Oregon recently wrote the following Facebook post about the benefits of joining a church. His post was shared by one of my friends, a liberal Christian from Australia. After checking Pastor Yadav’s profile and church website, I noted that his religious views seem to be, similarly, liberal – he is not one of those purse-lipped fundamentalists with whom I so often butt heads. Yet the post really troubled me.

Discussing the pastor’s post, my friend and I were dismayed that we interpreted his thoughts entirely differently – my friend, positively, me negatively. I promised to explain my reaction, so I thought it was best to do it here. I wanted to be fair (this is a discussion, not a take-down) so I contacted Pastor Yadav and he has graciously agreed to me publishing both his post and my critique. I’ve promised him a right of reply if he wishes.

Pastor Yadav writes:

As I try to remember why the hell I do this for a living, here is a handful of reasons, dear friends, to consider joining a church:

1. To join a church is to commit to a social circle you do not get to choose and can therefore show you whether your spirituality is bullshit or not.

2. Joining a church is a way of practicing – among a small group of people over a significant period of time – what you’d like the world to be like

3. To join a church is to live in rebellion against the neoliberal and capitalist forces which are brainwashing you into making your consumer desire the center of the world, reducing all your experiences of the world (including all the people in it) to instruments and resources.

4. Joining a church is to organize your life around a time to confess your limitations, culpability and imperfections together with other people so that you can get used to receiving divine forgiveness and hope in response to your honesty.

5. To join a church is to resist all traditional loyalties to state, party, culture, family or affinity in an act of loyalty to a group that transcends all natural categories.

6. Joining a church organizes your financial priorities around supporting an inclusive community for vulnerable people . . . that you actually have to live with.

7. To join a church is to cultivate an environment unlike your home, work or play where your life is not measured according to any other purpose or goal than to discover and enjoy your own humanity.

8. Joining a church is a way of maintaining healthy skepticism about human knowledge and capacities in the language of divine mystery.

9. To join a church is to cultivate an imagination for how your unique talents and creative potential can be offered on purpose for love instead of money.

10. Joining a church is a life lesson in how to deal with assholes without retaliating, dehumanizing or running away (in the desperate hope of not becoming an asshole).

I have enormous respect for my Christian friend. We agree on most things. But, while he drew inspiration from Pastor Yadav’s words, I had to admit that I read most of it with this look on my face:

And I wasn’t the only one. Responding to my friend’s post, other Christians, including a priest, suggested it also gave them a touch of the heebie-jeebies. It seems my friend and others of us in his ‘circle’ understood Pastor Yadav’s post in entirely different ways – leaving us all a bit puzzled.

What follows is an attempt to explain my discomfort. My intention is not to attack Pastor Yadav, but to show how what you write is only one part of the communication equation. How the reader interprets what you’ve written can elicit quite different meanings, and, hopefully, open up new insights and useful channels of communication.

The list starts well – I don’t have any issues with the first two points:

1. To join a church is to commit to a social circle you do not get to choose and can therefore show you whether your spirituality is bullshit or not.

2. Joining a church is a way of practicing – among a small group of people over a significant period of time – what you’d like the world to be like.

Despite my reputation, I’m not anti-religion. I understand that many people find comfort and community in religion. I appreciate that, for some people, the church provides a vessel, a captain and fellow crew members who are intent on sailing forth to change the world in positive ways. I see great common cause between us atheists and liberal Christians. I’ve always tried to work with the leaders and members of these churches, not against them. (If you agree, please follow the Twitter account for A Progressive Christian Voice (Australia)@APCVA.)

Speaking bluntly, I don’t think fundamentalist Christianity can be successfully opposed by atheists alone. It will take mainstream, liberal churches, networking together (with our support) to mount a convincing, alternative Christian narrative to the heresy of American right-wing evangelicals and the Australian Christian Lobby.

Lots of people seek community and, for many, a church is a safe, welcoming place. Not all churches, to be sure. But, I know there are some service clubs and sporting clubs, not to mention atheist groups, that are far more dysfunctional and toxic than many churches. I’ve been in some! Let’s not assume that every church is the same. If people want to join a healthy church with a view to making the world a better place for everyone, then I’m completely on board with that project.

I don’t want to lull Pastor Yadav into a false sense of security, but I’m absolutely in favour of point three.

To join a church is to live in rebellion against the neoliberal and capitalist forces which are brainwashing you into making your consumer desire the center of the world, reducing all your experiences of the world (including all the people in it) to instruments and resources.

I too, live in rebellion against the neoliberal and capitalist forces that seem to value profit above people. We live in a world in which people – even friendships – have become commodified; the multi-level marketing schemes so prevalent in fundamentalist churches is a case in point. The prosperity gospel simply puts a Jesus mask on free-market capitalism.

But, fighting back against neoliberalism doesn’t give you a free pass to mine church members for money, nor to exploit workers for their labour. I’ll say more about this when I address points 6 and 8.

So, a provisional high five on point three, Pastor Yadav! Sadly, it’s pretty much downhill from here.

Now, we come to point 4 and my nose starts twitching.

Joining a church is to organize your life around a time to confess your limitations, culpability and imperfections together with other people so that you can get used to receiving divine forgiveness and hope in response to your honesty.

I think there’s a real danger in inviting people into a community and encouraging them to focus on their “limitations, culpability and imperfections.” I am confident that Pastor Yadav didn’t mean it this way, but, too often, focusing on people’s vulnerabilities is a way of breaking them down; making them malleable to adopt beliefs that aren’t necessarily true, and to act in ways that aren’t necessarily good for them.

Choosing a religion (or choosing no religion) is a bit like choosing a spouse. You really don’t want to be doing it when you feel bad about yourself. You especially don’t want to be choosing a spouse who likes to focus on your faults and puts themselves forward as the one who can ‘fix’ you. There’s a huge power disparity in this kind of relationship and, even if the spouse (or church) is well-meaning, I think the temptation to exploit the power dynamic is often too great.

Instead, why not build community based on people’s strengths? Build a community of titans, not lambs. If someone does come into the community feeling unworthy, don’t respond by confirming their low opinion of themselves; focus instead on their strengths, their talents, and their inherent value. Build them up to their strongest and then see if what you have to “sell” will add value to their lives. Let them choose from a position of strength, not vulnerability.

Because I’m a relatively high profile atheist, people who have decided to leave their church occasionally contact me for guidance. My response is always, “This is your journey. Feel free to explore your options. Please don’t think atheist communities are going to be any better/nicer than Christian ones – we’re all just humans. Go at your own pace – and you can go back if you want. I’m here to support you, not deconvert you.”

In contrast, some churches (I’m not suggesting Pastor Yadav’s church here) prey on the vulnerable. They pro-actively zero in on the lost, the broken, the lonely, and the vulnerable and gather them tightly into their fold. It might seem like they’re offering redemption, but, too often, what is offered is love-bombing, brainwashing, then financial and spiritual exploitation.

How much better, stronger, and more principled is the church that says, “No, you’re not weak, you’re strong. You’re not unworthy, you’re terrific – with us or without us. Your value does not depend on your membership. If we can help you on your journey towards confidence and self-love, we’re here to support you, but not to convert you. Decide what you believe when you are whole, not now while you’re in pain.”

You need an army to change the world and, surely, it’s better to build an army with enthusiastic recruits, not bedraggled conscripts who have nowhere else to go.

My objections to Pastor Yadav’s fifth point are similar:

To join a church is to resist all traditional loyalties to state, party, culture, family or affinity in an act of loyalty to a group that transcends all natural categories.

There are often very good reasons to resist loyalties to state, party, culture or family. Nationalism is destroying America. Blind loyalty is never a good thing. And I’m a firm believer that there are often branches of the family tree that should be joyously excised with a chainsaw. What frightens me, is when institutions encourage their members to forego loyalties that aren’t necessarily unhealthy and prioritise group loyalty instead.

When you join a church, you should be adding to your social network; you should be building bridges, not burning them. Joining a church shouldn’t be like boarding the Minnow and setting off for Gilligan’s Island.

To me, encouraging followers to abandon loyalties outside the church and suggesting that the church is the only institution to which they should be loyal reeks of “abusive relationship.” (I’m not saying Pastor Yadav is doing this, only that this is what I read into it, and why I found it triggering.)

If the church is to have real value – for individuals and for society – it should be just one of the social institutions to which its members are loyal – and, of course, that loyalty should never be blind.

By point 6, I’m grimacing so hard you can see my gums.

Joining a church organizes your financial priorities around supporting an inclusive community for vulnerable people . . . that you actually have to live with.

OK. I understand that churches have expenses too, and it’s only fair that the people who derive benefits from them should help to finance them. Helping the poor is a noble calling; but we should talk about how liberal churches using their numbers, power and influence to lobby governments and corporations for systemic change, will do far more for the poor than handouts.

Nevertheless, it’s nice if people who have surplus funds can contributed to causes or individuals who will benefit from their largesse. But the way in which people organise their “financial priorities” should never be something the church tries to influence or direct. Membership of a church should never, ever, involve its members (who may, themselves, be vulnerable) feeling obligated or pressured (even subtly) into making financial contributions.

I’m going to let point 7 slide and go straight to point 8.

Joining a church is a way of maintaining healthy skepticism about human knowledge and capacities in the language of divine mystery”.

As a card-carrying skeptic I get really twitchy when people talk about being skeptical about “human knowledge.” Sure, humans get things wrong – all the time. But we also have brilliant systems – like scientific method, and peer review – to ensure that, on the important things, we’re more often right than wrong.

Human knowledge isn’t static and that makes people who like the certainty of religion very uncomfortable. Yes! What we know about the world changes according to new discoveries and changing circumstances. But, just because what we know changes, doesn’t mean that what we know is wrong. For example, Charles Darwin was right about evolution but wrong about some things concerning evolution. What we’ve learned since 1859 is that while Darwin got some of the detail wrong, his general hypothesis was still right.

If point 7 is telling us that, when the Bible or your own intuition (or “common-sense”) is at odds with the consensus of human knowledge, you should “go with your gut”, then it’s sending a really dangerous message. Neither the Bible or “your gut” is a reliable replacement for knowledge accrued through academic or scientific discipline. This is the kind of wrong-thinking that has Christians claiming that Jesus is their vaccine and that their natural immunity will save them from COVID.

Skepticism is a good thing, but the extent to which one is skeptical must be measured by the level of certainty expressed by people who are experts in the field, and a scrupulously honest assessment about how your expertise compares to theirs. Believing in God doesn’t make you (or even Jesus) an epidemiologist and no church should be suggesting that it does.

In comparison with the other points, point 8 only makes me squirm slightly:

To join a church is to cultivate an imagination for how your unique talents and creative potential can be offered on purpose for love instead of money.

Volunteering can certainly help vulnerable individuals and groups in the community and it can be personally rewarding. But, too often, it’s taken for granted that people with valuable skills and knowledge should provide their services for free. Women and people with disabilities, in particular, are frequently asked to “volunteer” their services, even when men around them are being paid.

Similar to my point about financial support, nobody should ever feel obliged to volunteer. These days, churches are businesses – often wealthy ones – and pastors (generally) don’t work as volunteers. Why? Because (generally) they have mortgages to pay and families to feed. Congregation members, similarly, need to pay the bills. Time spent volunteering may take away from time spent doing paid work. It isn’t a sin to prioritise paying your utility bills or your kids’ school fees over saving the world!

Many churches have accumulated their wealth by exploiting their congregations for volunteer labour. Hillsong is a case in point. I’m as committed as the next person to making the world a better place, but I don’t (generally) volunteer my services as a researcher. I work with people who lobby professionally and they pay me a fair (but not exorbitant) sum to assist. I know from personal experience that it’s possible to “save the world” and pay the bills at the same time.

If churches need human labour to do their work, they should (generally) be offering some kind of payment – in cash or in kind – with no expectation that people should work for free in order to buy their way into heaven.

Finally, point 10:

Joining a church is a life lesson in how to deal with assholes without retaliating, dehumanizing or running away (in the desperate hope of not becoming an asshole).

OK. Now I’m back to the full lips-turned-inside-out grimace. It’s really, really dangerous to tell people they have to learn to live with assholes without retaliating or running away. I realise Pastor Yadav is probably thinking of eccentric members of his congregation whose behaviour elicits Angela Merkel level eye-rolls. But, when we start telling women, in particular, that it’s a good thing to learn to live with an asshole, we end up with dead women.

Not all assholes are harmless. I’d venture to say that most aren’t. Assholes tend to be either psychologically or physically abusive, or both. We should be running away from the assholes in our lives at great speed. We should be encouraging and supporting legal retaliation where appropriate. And, while I’m generally opposed to dehumanising anyone, it’s a fact that some of the worst assholes (I’m talking narcissists and psychopaths here) are really just empty human shells who walk like aliens among us.

I think it’s incredibly healthy – often life-saving – to recognise that some people just aren’t functionally human. This was a hard and painful lesson for me. But, understanding this brutal fact is crucial for processing how and why you, or someone you love, has been abused. And running away – ceasing all contact if at all possible – is absolutely the best method for dealing with such people in a way that doesn’t compromise your own humanity.

When someone writes the kind of list composed by Pastor Yadav, what they meant, and what someone reads into it may be two very different things. I’ve obviously read the pastor’s post in a way he didn’t mean for it to be interpreted. I’m very grateful that he has allowed me to voice my contrarian thoughts. My Christian friend clearly wasn’t triggered by the pastor’s words in the same way that I was. It’s really important to understand that I haven’t written this as a criticism of Pastor Yadav, or my friend, but with a desire to explore how meaning is created in the space between writer and reader.

In my (admittedly atheist) view, when the church is envisaged as an institution that is an island or a refuge, it is burning bridges, not building them. You can’t change the world from a desert island. Strong people don’t live in conclaves.

It seems to me that, effective, liberal, world-changing churches emerge when they exist as a part of a wider, diverse network of individuals and institutions who are trying to make the world better – even if, sometimes, they look at the world (or Facebook posts) very differently. I want to be a part of that kind of network.

Chrys Stevenson

Comments on this blog are moderated. You’re welcome to comment on the issues discussed in this post, but if there are any comments which personally attack Pastor Yadav will not be approved. This is a discussion, not an inquisition.

Faith and Power

Melbourne emergency doctor, Stephen Parnis, has become something of a social media celebrity during the COVID-19, pandemic. Tweeting about his direct experience with COVID patients and encouraging people to get vaccinated, Dr Parnis has emerged as the embodiment of the heroic medicos and nurses whose work deserves greater respect and recognition. I don’t want to take any of that away from him.

People aren’t either all “good” or all “bad”. It’s quite possible to be “heroic” in one aspect of your life or profession, and just plain wrong in others. And, when you’ve been raised on a social media pedestal, I assume it comes as a bit of a shock when a single, ill-considered tweet knocks you off your perch.

This week, Dr Parnis, symbolic hero of the pandemic, was told he was just plain wrong about the subject of faith and power – and spat the dummy. I doubt what follows will cause him to reflect on why his critics were right, and he was wrong, but I’m going to write it anyway.

Here’s what happened.

In the wake of Dominic Perrottet replacing Gladys Berejiklian as NSW Premier, Dr Parnis vented his frustration that people were making an issue of Perrottet’s devout Catholicism. Responding to an ABC article which referred to Perrottet as a “conservative Catholic”, Parnis tweeted:

“I can’t believe we’re back here. Assess any MP on their politics & policies, rather than in their religious beliefs.”

Mega-researcher, Ronni Salt was quick to respond:

Oh for god’s sake. Stop it. Just stop this male focused, privileged garbage I am so sick of men who’ve never had their bodies and their lives smashed and governed by organised religion – I’m so sick of their privileged take on this You’re not the one whose liberty is affected.

How fucking dare you. How dare you sit up there on your privileged hill of male superiority and tell women not to discuss powerful men’s religion. How. Fucking. Dare. You. Powerful religious men use their religion to undermine the rights of women every day. Just shut up.

Instead of trying to understand why his tweet had elicited such an impassioned response, Parnis dug in. He called Salt’s criticism an “ad hominem” attack and referred to the tsunami of responses (mainly from women) that supported her comments as “poison”. Then, in a fit of pique, he announced his (temporary) departure from Twitter, tweeting:

“Time to leave this cesspit behind for a while.”

The inference, of course, is that the people (mainly women) who criticised him were sewer-dwellers, swimming in shit and flinging it indiscriminately at the nice, educated, white male doctor. The doctor who, until then, had been basking in the (not entirely undeserved) adoration of a grateful public.

What counted to Dr Parnis was that he was offended and aggrieved. He did not give one moment’s thought to the women who were offended and aggrieved by him. They didn’t count. They were the denizens of the cesspit – literally covered in shit. Parnis, believed he was right, and he had no interest whatsoever in listening to anything that challenged his view.

It’s a stance I’ve become very familiar with. As a professional freelance researcher, I’ve closely examined the arguments of those who oppose abortion, voluntary assisted dying, school chaplaincy, and marriage equality. I recognised the arrogance, the sense of entitlement to due deference, and I recognised the source.

Parnis, no doubt, was also upset by my contribution to the discussion.

“Why didn’t you disclose the fact you were arguing as a fellow committed Catholic? Why don’t you disclose this when you’re arguing against VAD [voluntary assisted dying]? It *matters* because, truth is, no matter what safeguards were in place nor how effective you’d still oppose it because of your faith.”

Before Dr Parnis became a Twitter hero, I knew him as a passionate advocate against voluntary assisted dying. And, because I know that most people who oppose VAD do so for religious reasons, I had done some research.

Dr Parnis works at St Vincent’s hospital, a Catholic institution devoted to bringing “God’s love to those in need through the healing ministry of Jesus.

In 2018, Dr Parnis and his associate, Dr Natasha Michael, delivered the Rerum Novarum Oration at the Australian Catholic University. The Oration was called, “Widening the Door of Hope, A Response to the Victorian Assisted Dying Legislation”.

A “cradle Catholic”, Dr Parnis was educated by Jesuits. He remains an active supporter of his alma-mater, even sitting on the school’s Foundation Board. He is also active in his local Catholic church.

I had to go looking for that information. When Dr Parnis appears in the newspapers, on radio, or in parliamentary briefings and rails against voluntary assisted dying, he relies on his credibility as a doctor, never disclosing that the fundamental reason for his opposition is his deep, Catholic faith. Just so, when he suggested that Premier Perrottet should not be judged on his religious beliefs, he failed to disclose that he was speaking as a fellow Catholic and political activist. People who only knew him as “hero doctor” were entitled to know that.

Parnis would undoubtedly argue that, regardless of his faith, his arguments about voluntary assisted dying rely on evidence that it poses a danger to vulnerable groups. He would argue that his Catholicism is irrelevant precisely because he never brings his religion into it; he’s not quoting the Bible in his arguments. Similarly, he suggests that Perrottet’s faith is a private matter; that it’s insulting to suggest the new Premier’s beliefs would compromise his ability to work in the best interests of the people of NSW.

I’ve looked at the kind of evidence Dr Parnis presents in his arguments against VAD. They’re similar to those I’ve addressed from Catholic Dr Megan Best – and they’re demonstrably wrong. They’ve been debunked time and again by government and judicial inquiries – and yet, like Dr Best, he continues to make them. I’ve searched for the origins of this propaganda – it emanates principally from Catholic sources, although you have to dig a bit to find that out.

What if – what IF – the premier of the state did the same thing? What if a political leader similarly used propaganda instead of expert evidence to make decisions because the propaganda aligned with his religious beliefs? What if a premier rejected women’s concerns in the same arrogant way that Dr Parnis did on Twitter this week? What if a premier’s religious world-view is impenetrable – nothing that contradicts the doctrine of the church can be entertained.

To his credit, Mr Perrottet has at least been honest in confessing that his Catholic beliefs influence his politics. And he’s shown it in his actions: he is well-known for opposing the decriminalisation of abortion during a debate in the NSW Parliament in 2019. (As someone wrote: This doesn’t mean you’re stopping abortions – just safe ones.) It’s also said that Mr Perrottet doesn’t believe in contraception (six kids testifies to that!), nor, according to Sam Dastyari, does he believe in masturbation (although one hopes he won’t seek to legislate against it or there’ll be a mass exodus to Queensland.)

Seriously, though, the question about whether someone’s position is genuinely based on credible research is answered by the following hypothetical question.

“If all your objections were proven to be baseless, would you change your position on this issue?”

I’ve said previously that if Dr Parnis and his colleagues were right – if voluntary assisted dying genuinely posed a real threat to vulnerable groups – I would change my position. And I have investigated, without bias, just about every argument emanating from the legislation’s religious opponents. I don’t “pooh-pooh” their claims – I go to source documents to try to try to verify them.

I can guarantee that regardless of the evidence, regardless of the safeguards, regardless of the content of the Bill, Dr Parnis would not change his position on VAD; and neither would Premier Perrottet change his position on issues relating to women’s reproductive rights.

And herein lies the problem. If a person with the power to fundamentally affect people’s lives and freedoms – let’s say, a physician or a politician – holds such intransigent views about some issues that they will not give countenance to any evidence that challenges their views and will not, under any circumstances, change their views on the basis of credible evidence, are they fit to hold a position of power?

Contrary to what Dr Parnis says, when it comes to power, faith matters, and it should be disclosed. Arguments rooted in moral convictions are rarely arguments based on an honest and rational assessment of evidence.

When Dr Parnis argues against voluntary assisted dying it’s as important to know that he is a devout Catholic, as it is to know the person insisting that climate change is a myth earns millions from coal mining, or the guy telling you that vaping is healthy, works for a tobacco company. Catholicism is a “vested interest.”

The fact that the Premier of NSW is a devout Catholic (although NOT Opus Dei, as has been widely rumoured) is genuinely cause for alarm for women who fear that legislative decisions about their lives and their bodies will not be made on the basis of credible evidence but on the basis of Catholic doctrine. Dr Parnis is so blind to his own bias, that he simply can’t imagine that we find men like him and Mr Perrottet terrifying – absolutely terrifying. These are privileged and powerful white men who hold their religious beliefs above all else – even if it is at the expense or our freedom, our autonomy, our welfare, or our own firmly held convictions. It is a deeply patriarchal view – father knows best – and every woman recognises the curdling fear in her stomach when she encounters it.

People like Premier Perrottet and Dr Parnis rely on their professional status to add credibility to their arguments. If you read or listen to Dr Parnis on VAD, you’re encouraged to think, “Well, he’s a doctor – he would know!” And, in the case of a politician, “Well, they have all the research at their fingertips – they should know!” They exploit the power and privilege of their positions to convince you that they’re right.

Let me show you how this works – and why disclosure matters.

In 2017, in the heat of the debate over marriage equality, an opinion piece, published widely in Fairfax newspapers, argued against gay marriage. The power of this piece was that it was by an author who asserted they were “liberal’ and “not religious.”

At this stage of the debate, the arguments advanced by the “Vote No” campaign were crumbling under the weight of serious, expert evidence. Arguments from the religious right were becoming hysterical and, frankly laughable: if this law was passed, children would be raised to be gay, polygamy was sure to follow, and people would be in a rush to marry their corgis. It was increasingly apparent that, hidden in the centre of this house of cards, was the only real argument against marriage equality – religious homophobia.

It was important for the “No” team not to be seen as religious bigots, so articles like this were, literally, a “god-send.”

“I am a thirty year old woman of liberal upbringing and no particular religious affiliation,” the author insisted.

But, I smelled a rat – or, perhaps, a church mouse? Who was this person who appeared out of nowhere claiming to have no religious basis for her argument against marriage equality? A little (okay, a lot!) of digging revealed she:

  • was raised by two devoutly religious parents who held positions in a conservative church, 
  • attended at least one ministry trip with her father as an adult, and
  • lived in a domestic partnership with the former leader of the Church of Scientology in Australia.

None of this information was disclosed in her article.

Like the Wizard in the Wizard of Oz, the power of this piece was in the illusion. Its impact depended on what you didn’t know about the author. But, when I tore back the curtain, it was just another person, steeped in religious bigotry, with a deck full of trick cards. When the truth about the author is revealed, the sincerity and credibility of the article is compromised and it loses its power.

Here’s another example.

In July 2020, New Zealand journalist, Caralise Trayes, published an investigative book on voluntary assisted dying. The blurb from her book makes her sound lovely, ordinary, likeable, and trustworthy.

“Trayes is a full-time mum and part-time freelance writer from Hibiscus Coast, Auckland.”

Trayes describes herself and her motive in undertaking this investigation as follows:

“I’ve worked as a journalist for nearly 10 years with Fairfax Media, so I applied the journalistic approach in this hunt for truth.”

In her “hunt for the truth,” this intrepid journalist interviewed 20 people – 17 of whom opposed voluntary assisted dying. Her conclusion? Legalizing VAD in New Zealand was a very dangerous step.

In dozens of newspaper and media interviews, Ms Trayes represented herself as an unbiased investigative reporter, driven only by her quest to uncover “the truth.” In none of those interviews did she reveal that:

  • she was an active member of a fundamentalist, charismatic Pentecostal church
  • that her sister and brother-in-law are pastors of the church, and
  • that in 2018, her church had vowed to “make an impact” on the VAD debate in New Zealand.

Ms Trayes book provided a powerful argument against voluntary assisted dying – until you discovered what the author had failed to disclose about herself. That is not an ad hominem attack. It is clear that the result of Ms Trayes’ “investigation” was a foregone conclusion. The fact that she had to hide that from her readers suggests she was well aware that the power of her argument depended entirely upon her deceit-by-omission.

Caralise Trayes leading worship

So this is why, Dr Parnis’ and Mr Perrottet’s religious convictions are relevant to any issues of public importance on which their church holds firm, doctrinal positions.

In Matthew 17:20, Jesus says:

“… truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Religious zealots believe in their hearts that if only they produce sufficient propaganda, they can move the mountains of evidence that their religious positions are wrong, harmful, unfair and unfounded in fact. They kid themselves that they are doing the right thing. But they are not honest brokers. That doesn’t mean that Christians, or people of other faiths, can’t be great politicians or doctors or judges etc. But it does require that they are able to separate what they might (or might not) choose for themselves, from what mainstream evidence suggests best serves the people whose welfare defends on them.

I’m reminded of creation scientist, Kurt Wise, who holds a PhD in palaeontology from Harvard University. Better than most, Wise knows the overwhelming weight of scientific research supports evolution and discredits the creationists’ view. Yet Wise wrote:

“As I shared with my professors years ago when I was in college, if all the evidence in the universe turns against creationism, I would be the first to admit it, but I would still be a creationist because that is what the Word of God seems to indicate.”

If you’re a Prime Minister, a Premier, a palliative care physician or even that heroic Twitter MD, and you hold this kind of mindset on any issue relating to public health and welfare, I think your faith disqualifies you from holding a position of power.

If we’re to have faith in those in power, we have to be sure they aren’t using their power to force their faith upon us.

Chrys Stevenson